Hiding Hidden Talents

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Olivia's POV

After our little..."session"... Jihad dissapeared to wherever he disappears to and left me with more questions than answers. As usual.

We kept at it all of that afternoon, I disintegrated about ten vases that I'm sure the boys won't notice are just suddenly nonexistent in the house. I was beginning to think I had some control over my new found abilities, and was absolutely ready to show it off to the guys but I was cut short.

"No way", he spoke through his mist. I pouted.

"But Ji-", I began to protest to no avail.

"Olivia. No," I jutted my bottom lip out further, if that was even possible at this point.

"But whyyyyy," I whined, attempting my best puppy dog eyes at the dark cloud of smoke before me. This would be alot easier if he had a face to match the ever so annoyingly calm voice..

"Because your abilities could become a liability, love. You have no idea the kind of power you possess and the kinds of people that would do anything to get their hands on it. If you and your mates want to survive all of this, then you'll keep this to yourself for now," he said it with such finality in his tone that I knew it was no use arguing. The conversation was over and he dissipated.

I wish I could do that... Would make getting out of awkward or uncomfortable situations, aka most of my life, a whole lot easier...

Anyway, after that I didn't call on him. Half cause I was being petty and half because I got wrapped up in my own head.

The guys came home and I've been keeping tally to see if they notice their ceramics are absentee. So far the ceramics are winning. They haven't even said anything about the whole Travis situations that we've been having.

Oh about that, so to catch you up, they essentially played Divorce Court and I was the "child" caught in the middle. Louis wore a suit, which in of itself was a sight to see. Pretty damn fine, if I do say so myself.

Besides the point, anyways, we had no real judge so basically it turned into a debate/ custody battle.

Yes, it was as ridiculous as you could imagine. The chairs were setup in the backyard and a microphone was being passed around, as they each gave their reasons as to who I should be with and when.

I was sitting there, basically listening to them barter me away like I was on a episode of storage wars, when it all went silent. That was when I realize all eyes were on me.

"Well, what do you think Liv?" Shit. Should've really been paying attention...

"Run it by me one more time, I just wanna make sure I'm clear on my options here," I tried to cover my ass, and somehow it worked.

"You spend two days with us and two days with Travis, basically we don't wanna stress you out by making you go back and forth every day," I mean, as far as my options go I guess that was okay.

"Wait, what about the weekends?" I pondered as I realized that was only four days.

"We were thinking you could decide what you want to do on the weekend. Not that you won't have an option when you're with us, but we don't want to stifle you," Harry said scratching the back of his head.

"Aww, guys, that's really thoughtful of you. That sounds good to me. Travis?" I asked in his direction as he lazily stretched back onto the creaking iron fold out chair. According to the guys, it qualified as "outdoor furniture". I shook my head at them. This gorgeous house and seven half-rusted, powder blue fold out chairs were scattered in the backyard haphazardly.

Oh well, it suits them. Besides the point, Travis looked at me and nodded his head slightly, his eyes dropping. I had been noticing that alot lately. He always seemed tired. I wonder what he got up to back at the camp, being Alpha and all.

"Well it's settled then, but today's our day so, if you would kindly get the fuck out of our home.." Louis said gesturing Travis to the door. He rolled his eyes and grunted as he got out of the deathtrap that was the fold out chair. He was gone before I could say anything, guess he really was tired.

Normally he would put up and fight and they guys would all exchange ridiculous one liners for an hour. I put it in the back of my mind to ask him what was up when I saw him next and focused on the boys.

Back to today, I sat on the couch watching Zayn stare at the spot where a dark red vase once sat with a very puzzled look evident on his face. I just sat observing him to see if he would be the one to break the record. I saw his eyes briefly widen and though all was lost for a second, but he simply let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

He turned to me and I attempted to put my best poker face on. He seemed like he wasn't buying it but didn't pay it too much attention. His gaze switching between me and the barren spot atop the fireplace.

"Why do I feel like something's missing??" He asked, the confusion clear in his voice. I tried to mimic that as I stared back at him.

"Hmm, I have no idea," I tried to play it off cool and almost felt bad and caved. His face looked utterly adorable and helpless, ad he scratched his head. Still staring at the spot he continued.

"I just, I could've sworn there was something there before. I dunno, maybe I'm imaging things," he concluded.

"Maybe," he gave me a look but didn't push it. I let out a silent sigh of relief as he dropped the subject.

"So, what's your plan for tonight?" He mused.

"Uh, nothing, probably eat some cold pizza, maybe some ice cream. Why? What do you have in mind?" He chuckled.

"How about we have some hot dinner instead?"

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