Dying Times

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Olivia's POV

After getting him to eat, he passed out onto the sofa and has been lightly snoring ever since. The thought that the entire sacrifice mumbo jumbo hadn't worked was still weighing heavy on my mind.

It had been since I found out about it, and I had a feeling it was the reason that I had a werewolf napping next to me. It had to be eating him up inside just as much, but I couldn't imagine what the news would do to the guys.

It was an impossible choice to make and I had been thinking about it for months. Still, I had more questions than answers after all this time.

Looking around at the bodies strewn about the living room, I couldn't help but imagine a fantasy world where they weren't all supernatural beings. Where I didn't have to make a insane choice, where lives weren't on the line and I could just be normal.

But that was all was and ever would be, a fantasy. Because I wasn't normal, I was a hybrid and still trying to wrap my head around that fact was getting a bit easier.

As I focused my eyes on the guys again something shifted. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to focus on what it was. I was about it chalk it up to my lack of sleep when it moved again. A large black mass stood in the far corner of the room, tendrils of obsidian seemed to be pulsating off of it.

My eyes followed it as it floated over to the unconscious bodies around me, moving ever so carefully. It was as if it was testing the waters, I lifted my arm off of Harry's and it darted back immediately.

Is this thing afraid of me...?

Suddenly it started shifting again, almost looking like it was vibrating in midair. My gaze shifted down and I realized the boys were also vibrating. Well sort of, they seemed to be going in and out of focus so rapidly that my eyes couldn't keep up.

I audibly gasped as their figured finally settled. The sight was mortifying but the overwhelming scent of burning flesh was nauseating.

My eyes welled up immediately as a scanned each of their charred bodies.
Niall had a large gash over his chest amongst the patches of singed flesh. Louis, Harry and Zayn were almost unrecognizable, the burns cluttered around the majority of their faces. Liam, oh Liam. He seemed to be the worst affected, it was as if a bomb went off and he was ontop of it.

I couldn't stand to look at it and tried to avert my eyes, but that only made it worse. Looking down, Travis looked as of he was half turned, his fur caked with blood, still burning. I hadn't realized the tears were flowing from my eyes till a voice boomed through the room.

"Wipe your tears, Olivia. This hasn't happened...yet," I had almost forgotten about the blob in the corner, at this point I wasn't even suprised that it was talking.

"What do you want from me? Why are you should me this?" I was too frustrated for my mind games at this point. I knew this was what the future held for me, but I didn't need to see it yet.

"I don't want anything from you. You're the one that called me here, well sort of. Let me introduce myself, my name is Jihad Alexandre. I'm your...guardian of sorts", wait what?

His voice caught me off guard, it was so velvety and deep, you could almost fall asleep to it. I was frozen in place, my mouth gaping at the floating black hole infront of me.

"Come again?", it shouldn't have been that hard for me to comprehend, but it was just an overload of emotions to be dealing with.

"Listen, you can't control your..abilities..yet, so I'm not sure how much time I have to explain. Basically, your parents knew my parents. You knew me as well, but it was a different time then. Nevermind that, just know I'm here, even if you can't see me," I opened my mouth to protest but he shut me down immediately.

"No, that doesn't include in the shower, I'm not a perv," I half chuckled as the voice coming out of the abyss did, "but you have to listen to me very carefully, the reason I'm showing this to you is because you can change all of this. It's not as straightforward as what you tried before,and you dying is the reason I'm here to begin with."

"But how, it's not like they gave me a "How to save your mates for dummies" or anything. I'm shooting blind here, I guess I hoped that it would work but I knew it wouldn't deep down."

"It's okay, I'm here now and I won't let anything happen to you. Seems like your boys are waking up so I should get going. If you need me, call me. I'll be there. I'll see you around, Olivia."

"Wait! Why are you like that? You don't have a body? Are you like a ghost or something?"

"Or something."

"That's not an answer. Are the boys gonna stay like th-" and he's gone..ugh...

"Liv?" My head shot up to meet Niall's baby blues staring back at me. I plastered a smile on my face as I could see the worry starting to make its way onto his soft features.

"Hey, how was your nap?" I chuckled at him. He sat up and I could tell he was trying to read my thoughts, worry was all over his face now.

"It was..okay. I wish you were next to me and it wasn't on the floor though," he cheekily grinned at me and I mirrored his expression. I knew he was itching to interrogate me further but I couldn't bring myself to lie to him right then, so I changed the subject the only way I knew how with Niall.

"Want some food?" That got him up pretty quickly. After fixing him some mac and cheese, I slid into the bar stool opposite him. I put my elbows on the island to attempt to stop myself from fidgeting but it wasn't working well in my favour.

I silently thanked the gods that he seemed to distracted by the bowl of cheesy goodness to notice. Or so I thought.

"So, are you gonna tell me who you were talking to in there?" Shit.

"Myself, you know, not a while lot of girls to talk to around here. Thought I'd consult myself," I blurted out. He raised an eyebrow, he didn't seem like he believed me but also didn't seem like he didn't not believe me either. And now I'm confused..

"Okayy...well, I'm gonna go wake up the guys and throw out Travis. Hopefully he's now sober," he grimaced at the last part, remembering the mess that that was.

I gave him a small smile and nodded. When he exited the kitchen, I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.

I got off the stool and straightened my clothes, taking a deep breath. I could hear the boys getting up and talking, I just hoped Niall wouldn't make a big deal out of it all.

As I left the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of obsidian out of the corner of my eye. I hope he was who he said he was, because he might be the key to helping me control my powers.

Sorry for not updating in forevveeerrrr. Truth be told I sort of forgot about this book because I was so busy. Then things came up mentally and I just lost track of it all. I was editing the first book for a while and still havent fully dealt with it yet but I'm getting there. Thank you all so much for over 200k reads on that btw. If you're still readying this let me know in the comments your ships and thoughts on Jihad, love y'all - sky

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