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So I ask myself what is guilt ? And why can people not sleep at night because of this stupid monosyllable "GUILT". Honestly I still don't know why but I do know how we try to fight that feeling.How we try to convince our heart that no we we're not wrong, that they deserved it, that it was a mistake, that it was a revenge for something they did to you, that it was not intentional, that you didn't do it at all. LIES. The lies that we feed our soul to be able to get a sound sleep. The lies that we feed ourselves each day to fucking calm down that heart which feels like it'll jump out of your chest any moment now .
The lies we feed ourselves to just simply not accept our mistake and escape the "GUILT". Lies,lies and lies until we really start believing in them one day and we no longer know the truth ourselves because we're so deep in the lie that we've built we forget who we really are or what we really have done. It's a part of our coping mechanism, but let's just stop and think, does that really change the truth about who you really are ? About the things you've done ? Things that you know were so fucking wrong and messed up and yet you did it anyway and gave your soul a stupid explanation only to truly believe in it one day for that one peaceful night of sleep again.
So we lie and cheat and pull others down for our own good, and what explanation do you give yourself again? He/she deserved it ? Maybe they did, but hey what do you deserve now ? Maybe this is the question that just won't let you sleep, and all your darkest fears will resurface yet again leaving you in a pool of your own sweat helpless thinking of another lie to feed the soul this time.
Good luck, your cycle has started again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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