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"'Ve got some news for you, fellas," A forced high pitched voice announced in a sing-song as soon as he entered Yoongi's dorm with a case of beer, causing an annoyed groan from the latter

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"'Ve got some news for you, fellas," A forced high pitched voice announced in a sing-song as soon as he entered Yoongi's dorm with a case of beer, causing an annoyed groan from the latter. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok are gathered in said dorm for they are preparing a new mixtape for their next underground battle. Namjoons lets out a grunt, quickly snatching a bottle. He badly needed this to relieve his stress from finding words to include in the mixtape.

"Spill," Namjoon pants after taking large gupls of the alcoholic beverage. This made Yoongi roll his eyes.

"Okay, so, Chaeyoung," Hoseok excitedly says while sitting down with them. "She's back! Can't believe it!"

"Nice. From whom did you get the news?" Asked Yoongi, a smile slowly forming in his lips. Chaeyoung has been one of their good friends other than Seungwan. But she's too different from Seungwan, indeed. Seungwan grew up being rough, a war freak, and blunt. Whilst Chaeyoung was nothing but a rich brat who likes to talk shit about others. Attitude is all she is but no one could deny her beauty. How they all got along, they don't know. There is one thing they all have in common.

They all ran away.

"Got it from her, herself. Y'all jealous she reached out to me?" Teased Hoseok though all of them knows Hoseok is the only one who hasn't change his phone number. Risky move but not a damn was given.

"She coming to the party?" Asked Namjoon then Hoseok nods timidly. Because of this, Namjoon groans. "Great. Now I'm gonna hear her talking about her brand new boots for the whole party. Or how many hot girls she's friends with to hook up with me. Actually, I don't mind the second part."

"Come on. She probably changed," Hoseok argued. "It's not like we kept in touch with her all the time. Who knows what's happening with her in Australia."

"Wanna bet on this?" Yoongi challenged the both that caused the two immediately avert their attention to him.

With that, they all placed a hundred bucks on the table.

2:27 am

Sooyoung never expected this to happen.

Life seems to always throw her surprises.

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