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Your POV
You woke up to your annoying alarm clock and rolled out of bed. You groaned, walked over to your bathroom, took a shower, brushed your teeth, changed, (basically the whole morning routine).

You looked at your phone while walking out of your house and into your car. "Hm, this Shane Madej.. the guy who sits beside me." You kept looking at the picture to remember Shane's face.

Then, you looked at all the series. Ship It, Unsolved, Try Guys, Worth It.. Ship It and Unsolved would be nice.

Damn, Shane's hot, like, damn. No! What am I thinking? I just looked at a picture of Shane! Ugh, get yourself together Y/N...

You drove to Buzzfeed and parked your car. You checked if it was the right place and you went inside the building.

"Mk, table near window.. table near window.. Aha! Found it!" You walked over the table and asked the tall guy with a flannel: "Are you Shane Madej?"

"Yep! You must be Y/N then?" He said as he pulled the chair for you.

Nice voice, Shane. You faceplanted yourself as you sat down and put down your bag.

"So.. you're in Ship It with me and.... apparently Unsolved with me and Ryan Bergara." He said handing me a paper of the same things he said.
"So.. what's the Ship It thing..?" You asked him nervously and pointed at the words.
"I've never tried. So I don't know, sorry. Oh, and this is to contact me and Ryan." He handed you a paper for both Ryan and Shane's numbers. You immediately added them both.

Suddenly, a short, kinda cute guy walked up to Shane and you. "I'm Zach. Shane, Y/N, follow me for a Ship It shoot."
Shane and you both followed him and went into a room.

"Welcome to Ship It! Today we'll be... looking at some cute videos of each other..!" Shane exclaimed as he put his arm over my shoulder.


Shane's POV
I started blushing at Y/N's video. Why does YN have to be so cute?

"SHANE'S BLUSHING!" Eugene started shaking the cameraman.  Apparently, he was watching us in the back.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP EUGENE, IM NOT BLUSHING!" I replied as he laughed.

That fucking try guy, Imma kill them all in The Sims in In Control With Kelsey..

-time skip bishhh!-

Eugene walks over to the cameraman and whispers to him, the cameraman smiled and let him go. Weird..

Eugene then walks over to us, tells Y/N "Y/N! Look at Shane!"

"Huh? What's wrong?" She replied with one of her eyebrows raised up.
Eugene then pushed me while Y/N was looking at me and he made us..

Kiss for 1 second.


Your POV
Did we just..? Oh my god. Only for a second though.. okay, calm down Y/N. CaLm D0wN! Okay, I NEED to c@lM daown!

Once you finished calming down, you hid behind Shane and just sat there. "You can come out now, Y/N." Shane looked behind him and started patting you on the head.

"Eugene is.. for sure gone now." You got out of your hiding place and sat back down.

"The video is over Y/N. You both can go to your Unsolved shooting now. Ryan is currently talking about Y/N in the video."
The cameraman told us as he opened the door for us while fixing the camera. Wow, multitasker.

Word count: 598
See you guys in the unsolved chapter! Tons of cute stuff soon. Byeeeeeeeee boop.

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