Chapter - 28 (theirs)

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"Genevieve  !!!!!!! Can you hear me? " She's so cold and her skin is almost blue. Fuck! If something happens to her....... I can't live without her . A similar image flashed before my eyes, I remember her body lying cold on the road as the ambulance take her in. I remember !!! Get a grip Grey !! You can't lose her!!!   When Taylor stopped me in the middle of the Rainier Avenue, I had no fucking idea what happened he showed that my car was sabotaged in a minor way. In four minutes we reached the hospital , they wheel her straight into the OR.  After half an hour a doctors comes to me ."Mr. Grey I am Dr. Heigl , Miss Cassel is suffering from hypothermia right now, is there any past records of any trauma or anything because I have to consult her later. " I scowl at him, I need mom right now to handle this bullshit. "Miss Cassel had Vertigo and she had trauma in deep waters. But I strongly believe she didn't crash due to her Vertigo, she has taken appropriate medicines to not suffer any symptoms. " Dr. Heigl jots something in his iPad and walks away quietly. What if she doesn't .....No! I try to fight back the train of dark thoughts, I should not think the worst of the situation when she is concerned I won't let that happen !!!!  "Mr. Grey , we need you to sign some papers , Miss Cassel is unconscious but we have done our best to bring up her temperature, Our doctors have successfully resuscitated her by CPR. She will be  under observation for a while. You can see her now Mr. Grey" Dr. Heigl informs me . 

I walk into the room, there she is lying on the bed a tube attached to her wrist , an oxygen mask fixed on her nose , I take a seat and take her hands in mine, it's still a bit cold , how amazing her hand fixes perfectly in mine as if it was made for each other.. I kiss her knuckles slowly, this shit happened to her because of me. I can't forgive myself for this. I should be the one to protect her but every time it's other way around. Before I realized I am crying. Tears are rolling down as I look at her , Why did she do it? Why did she try to protect me from a malicious contract? Is it Love? Is she in love with me? She said it and proved it to me many different ways. Have I always been in love with her? I should have told her that I love her more than anything else in the world. She's my everything. How was I supposed to know the feeling of being in love when I have never experienced love before in my life?? No, I am wrong. I have been in the presence of love, my mother and father and my brother and sister. Being with Jenny made me grateful for the family I have . "Oh baby please wake up, I am right here . I remember now, I remembered everything, wake up and talk to me about those silly things you wanted to talk about. I love you , I need you and I am nothing without you.... " I sat there for an hour watching her chest rise and fall in a rhythm. I texted mom to meet me.   

"Christian, I am so sorry. How did it happen? " Mom asked as she sat down next to me. "All I know that her car was sabotaged just like mine but way worse , her tires skidded on the wet road. This is my fault , I should have known about the set up." "What set up Christian?" She asked inquisitively. " I was going to do a deal with Krause&Pearson Ltd for our next project but Genevieve found out about their link to a few paper companies, she tried to contact me but my phone was off so she drove all the way to warn me." I look at my feet, I can't face my mom, she should be disappointed with me. "Oh Christian, there was no way you could know something trivial like that, you can't change the past but you can change your present and your future. She clearly loves you and I know you love her as well. You do right?" I nod and look at her face, her eyes filled with tears. " Yes, I do love her a lot , Genevieve means everything to me too bad I couldn't tell her that sooner and I thought I lost my chance when I saw her in the water cold..." I choked trying to say something more. Mom hugs me tight. I have never been like this with her before but somehow I find it comforting..... 

It's morning already, I spent the whole night next to her , I miss her so much. I will not take her time for granted from now on when she had asked me to stay a little late in bed with her I was tempted to stay back but Ross is on vacation and I had to go. My phone vibrates. It's Andrea. "Mr.Grey I am sorry to disturb you this early but we need you in the office urgently you asked me to dig into K&P records and the IT team has found something. It won't take much time. " "Okay I will be there for a moment." I look at her again she seems so peaceful and serene.  Taylor brings me fresh clothes to wear. I quickly change and head out and asked the nurse to alert me in case she wakes up. 

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