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“Rachel, please wake up”, Finn said with a trembling voice and tears in his eyes. “I need you. You have to wake up”, he whispered. 

Finn looked tired as he sat besides the hospital bed where Rachel was lying in. She was wired to a monitor that showed no activity. Finn stared at the monitor for a few seconds, hoping that it would come to life and Rachel would just wake up and they could go home together. If he just wanted it bad enough, maybe it would happen. But it didn’t happen. Everything stayed quiet. All that could be heard were Finn's sobs as he held onto Rachel's hand. 

Why? Why did this have to happen? Rachel didn’t deserve this. It should be me lying there. Finn carefully laid his face on Rachel's chest. 

He thought back of yesterday-morning. Everything had been so perfect. They were both on their way to live the lives they always wanted. Rachel was on her way to being on Broadway and he was on his way to become a lawyer, just like his father.He and Rachel celebrated their 6 month wedding anniversary. He remembered how lucky he felt. Most married couples barely communicated any more, but he and Rachel were still just as much in love as they were three years ago, when they first met. They had spent the entire morning pretending it was their honeymoon and they had made love all around the house. He loved Rachel and she loved him. What could ever come between that? 

He knew the answer to that. That damn accident came between them. He and Rachel were walking across Baker street when this insane driver drove right at them. Rachel had pushed him out of the way and the car had frontally hit her. When he got at the hospital, the doctors told him Rachel wasn’t doing so well. She had slipped into a coma. Everything the doctors said after that was kind of a blur to him. They basically told him that Rachel could still wake up but the longer it took, the less likely it was gonna be. He had sat by her bed since that moment, not wanting to go; wanting to be there when she woke up. Not if she woke up, but when she woke up. But it was now a full day later and Rachel hadn’t woken up. 

“Hi Rach… happy anniversary babe.” He said, trying to sound somewhat cheerfull. “I know you don’t believe it, but we made it. One year”, he said with tears in his eyes. He then looked at Rachel, who had still not woken up and was still lying in the hospital bed. It was months later now and it still broke Finn's heart everytime he came to visit. He sat down on a chair next to the bed and held her hand just like he did every day. “Please honey, it’s been six months now. Please come back. I…”, he begged, but he suddenly changed the tone in his voice “I can’t keep this up Rachel. I… I die every time I step into this room. I’m sorry… but I’m not coming back. I just can’t. I’m really sorry Rachel. I’ll always love you”, he said with tears streaming down his face. After he said that, he kissed her on her forehead and walked slowly to the door, not looking back. 

If he had looked back, he might have noticed Rachel eyes were slowly opening. She was just in time to see him walking out of the door and, if he had meant what he said, out of her life. “Finn!”, she tried to shout but all that came out of her mouth was a whisper. She heard what he had said. He wasn’t coming back. All sorts of thoughts kept flooding her brain, but as much as she would like to jump out of bed, run after Finn and have him answer her questions, her body refused every action. It only took a few minutes for some doctors to enter her room, but those minutes seemed like eternity to her. 

So what do you guys think so far? I know it isn't much but it is a prologue, should I continue? Let me know in the comments!

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