chapter 5

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Today was an important day; her first day of work. She had been in front of the mirror for a long time this morning, deciding what to wear. Eventually, she decided to wear her favorite black dress since it made her feel a little more relaxed. She dreaded the moment of actually stepping in the building, but at the same time, she was looking forward to it. 

When she arrived at Evans & Rodriguez and walked through the main entrance, she felt relieved. Relieved that she had made it. She was finally herself again. She walked towards Sam's office. The door was open and he motioned her to come in. 

“Right on time. I like that”, he said casually. “Now Rachel, what do you say we’ll give you a little tour through the office?”. Rachel nodded. It’d be nice to meet the people and see more about this place. 

The next hour they spent strolling through the building and talking to a lot of lawyers, secretaries and other employees. Rachel was happy that the subject of her condition never came up. She figured he didn’t tell anyone, which she liked. Well, it’s either that or Sam gave everyone strict orders to keep their mouths shut. Some of the offices were skipped because of some important meetings that they shouldn’t interrupt but Sam promised she’d meet them later that day. Everything went so well, the people were really nice and she hadn’t had a problem with words all day. 

When they finally came back to his office, there was a woman sitting in his office, waiting for him. “Hey, I’ve been waiting for you”, the woman said to Sam in a friendly tone. 

Sam turned to Rachel. “I’d like you to meet my wife”, Sam said. 

Rachel walked towards her and held her hand out. “Nice to meet you. It’s Brittany, right?”. 

”Uh-huh, Brittany Hudson. And you must be Rachel”, Brittany said as she shook hands with Rachel. “First day, huh? Must be scared.” 

“It is, but mr Evans has been really nice and shown me around and everything”, Rachel said, trying not to show her stiffening when Brittany had said her name was Hudson. 

Brittany looked at Sam for a second, giving him a suspicious look, and then turned back towards Rachel “Did he tell you to call him mr Evans in front of me?”. 

Rachel didn’t know where to look. “Well, uh…”, she stammered. 

“Oh for heaven’s sake Brittany, stop the third degree.”, Sam said.

Brittany smiled at Rachel. She felt like she knew Rachel already and she liked her a whole lot better than that bitchy Kitty, his last secretary. “Alright hun, just wanted to tell you that the Bridgers called and cancelled your two o’clock. I’ve rescheduled it for tomorrow at five. It’s in your schedule.”, she said. Then she looked at Rachel. “This is gonna be your job from now on. Come on, I’ll show you where your desk is.”, Brittany told Rachel. Brittany and Rachel smiled at Sam as they walked out of the room. 

A few minutes after Rachel and Brittany were out of the room, three men came in, all dressed in fancy suits; obviously lawyers. “Hi Sam, just wanted to let you know we’ve settled the Waltham case.”, one of the layers said. 

Sam looked up, visibly pleased. “How much?” 

“Two million”, the same lawyer replied. 

“Good job… hey I want you all to meet my new secretary”, Sam said and pushed a button on the intercom. “Sorry, I know it’s time to go home but could you come in here for a second?”, he asked as nice as he could. “Okay Sam”, Rachel replied through the intercom. 

Finn Hudson was shocked for a moment. For a moment there, that voice sounded like his former wife. “Don’t be an idiot. It can’t be her”, he told himself, but he felt uneasy anyway. 

A few seconds later, Rachel came in. The three lawyers turned around to face her. Two of them smiled and went over to introduce them but she was staring at the third one, and he was staring back at her. 

“Rachel?, he asked softy. 

So finn and Rachel have finally seen each other how do you think this unexpected reunion will go?

A Beautiful Brain Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora