reaching out

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it was the day.
the day i decided to reach out to wyatt oleff.
i grabbed my things and headed to monet's.
great. there he was. in his regular spot.
his eyes glowed when he saw me walk towards him.
"look oleff. i'm here to understand some stuff, and don't try anything because i didn't come here to magically fall in love or anything like that."
"who said that you were gonna fall in love with me."
"already off topic," i said while sitting down.
"so, first question. why did you reach out to me yesterday?"
"you already know why, you completely blew me off yesterday."
"i did not!" i say, kind of offended.
"you were the one who called me a, and i quote, 'pretty girl'."
"well," he said in a sly way. "you are pretty."
"nuh uh. nope. not happening. next. why didn't you deny anything that jack said."
he thought for a while.
"i didn't want to ruin anything with the cast members."
"okay, and what about my feelings? you ruined what you had with me," i say while getting up.
"wait! look, he was afraid that you would take his girlfriend's spot on the cast."
"the director was going to offer you to play eddie's little sister, emma. but she got it instead, after you were fired."
"and he threatened me. he would say that me and jaeden were dating and other stupid silly things."
i gave him a menacing look. honestly, i felt stupid. how could i let this happen to myself?
"but i'm sorry zoe. about everything. and if i could change it i would."
"than do it."
i left.

ooou when stan a queen who doesn't need a man!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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