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Cory has two dads, not one but two. I thought I was crazy at first when I saw it. I wondered why she didn't tell me. It threw me off but after a few minutes I was fine. It kinda made me happy that this entire room is filled with so much gay. They both pulled me in for a nice warm hug.

"So you're Sarah! I'm Dave and this is Derrek.We are Cory's dads." I smiled at him as Derrek put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. This gave me a warm feeling.

"I've heard so much about you. At first it seemed a little fishy.. I don't know if we'll get into any kind of trouble for letting you stay here. But you're completely welcome!"

The way Cory's face is lighting up right now is cuter than the way my cat meows for my attention. Everytime I see her it just warms my heart, I'm so in love.

"Well, make yourself comfortable. Are you hungry? We brought snacks while we were gone." Derrek looked at me up and down then raised his eyebrows, I already know what he's gonna say. "You look like you haven't eaten in months.."

Dave smacked his arm, "Derrek stop judging.. we barely know her!"

"Well it's true, c'mon let's get snacks! You'll love what we brought"

Anxiety rushed throughout my body, and by the looks of Cory's face she felt the same.

"Guys it's okay she already ate.. you didn't even ask if she did or not!" Cory said nervously.

"It's okay.. I'll g-gladly have a snack. W-what do you have?" My body is shaking badly, I hoped no one would notice but the way everyone was looking at me I knew it was very noticeable.

"Um okay, we brought chips, cheesy snack things, oreos, and ice cream. Eat it all up."

I walked into the kitchen to make my selection as everyone watched. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, I feel their stares. I turned around and scoffed then looked back onto the counter with multiple snacks. I chose the oreos, all I can think about is the amount of calories I am about to consume. It disgusts me so much I already feel like I'm going to gag. I slid back the opening and grabbed a cookie then inhaled nervously. I took a bite and immediately felt so disgusted with myself. I managed to keep myself together with a fake smile.

"I haven't eaten an oreo in so long!" I said in an obviously fake ass tone.

Cory ran over to me and whispered while looking in my eyes.

"Wow, I'm so proud of you.. how are you feeling?"

"Like complete shit. I feel so disgusted, I don't even want to know how many calories that was."

"Calm down, it won't hurt you. This is one step closer to healing!"


"Yes love, healing."

"What do you mean healing?"

"Like, getting better.. please don't go off on me again, I'm just trying to help."

I looked at her and sighed. I really do feel bad for having such a temper all the time. She's genuinely trying to help me and actually cares about my wellbeing. I don't deserve her, yet here I am offically moved in with her.

"I'm sor-"

Dave and Derrek joined us smiling, it turned into an awkward silence.

"Why don't you guys head out somewhere nice? Dinner should be done by the time you get back, go and enjoy yourselves."

"Actually" Derrek added, "while you're gone can you make a run to the grocery store? I forgot the sweet pototes for a casserole I've been dying to make!"

"Sure." I said while grabbing my keys.

"No no take my G Wagon!" Dave threw the keys to Cory.

"Oh so now you trust me with your precious GG?"

"Hush before I change my mind!"

We walked out and shut the door behind us.

"Do you really think she's anorexic?" Dave said to Derrek.

"I don't know, but I want to help her. She seems to try and cover it up. So maybe if we keep eating more as a family, maybe she'll learn to eat more?"

"You're so right!"

They kissed eachother and continued to cuddle on the couch while watching reality TV.

Meanwhile in the car Cory is singing her heart out to Blackbear. I just smile and hold her free hand as she drives. The song ends and there is silence. She parks into the parking lot. We hop out and hold hands throughout the store.

"Swweeeet potatoes where are the swwwwwweet potatoes!" She said while dragging me.

I was giggling as I watched her hop around, but suddenly I felt a weird vibe. Something feels so off. We stood in line and I still feel that feeling, it shows on my face.

"Are you okay?" Cory said while looking up at me, "You seem a little off."

"I-I'm fine. Just feeling weird all of a sudden."

"What kind of weird?"

"I can't describe it.."

We checked out and was heading toward the exit. Just as we were heading out, I finally figured out where this weird vibe was coming from. I looked up to see my parents looking at me.

We stood there blankly staring at eachother.

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