Chapter 1: Diane!!!!???

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Chapter 1: Diane!!!!???


i do not own seven deadly sins

P.S: Storyline will not be exactly like the show. A bunch of things will change. And there will be mild swearing. THERE PERSONALITY WILL BE DIFFERENT.  MAKE SURE YOU READ THE CHARATER INFO BEFORE YOU START THE CHAPTER

"Meli" pov:

       I was walking with hawk and Elizabeth when we saw Diane sleeping. I wonder how he will react when i wake him up. When i woke diane up he looked around and we had a staring contest. " hey meli, are you just going to stare at her or are you going to say hello?" man that voice was really girly, must have been hawk. Welp here goes nothing. I did a closed eye smile and basically yelled, "HEY DIANE!, HOW'S IT GOING?" He picked me up and looked at me very closely, "is that you captain?" "why yes it is diane" when i said the he dropped me. I landed on my butt. "OOWW, DIANE THAT HURT." then he told me i deserved it. So i did the only logical thing and asked why? And i made a huge mistake there. "why....WHY? BECAUSE YOU LEFT ME ALONE FOR A LONG TIME." damn i totally forgot he hates to be alone. I'm going to be in deep shit. Before i could say anything he turned around and walked away. Dammit i made him mad. he was just walking but i had to run and keep up with him. While i was running i was apologizing over and over until he stopped. he stopped so abruptly that when i tried to stop i lost traction and slid into a tree. Diane got so worried he sat on the ground and picked me up and asked if i was ok. "oowwww... Diane my face and but hurt now." i didn't know i was bleeding until he sat me down and pulled out a first aid kit with my name on it. he put a bandaid on my nose and the left side of my forehead. "There, you need to be more careful meli, you could have gotten seriously hurt ok." "ok diane. I'll try to be more careful next time." after we hugged and forgave each other he asked me who i came with. " i came with hawk and this shy male i met a few weeks ago named elizabeth." then he started talking about how he hasn't seen hawk in forever. And he wondered if her hair was still pink. Man she can be crazy.

           When he stopped talking we finally made it back to hawks mom. There is one thing i always wondered tho. Why is hawk a human when hawks mom is a giant green pig. I will never know. I gave diane a shrinking pill so he could come inside. When he shrank his cloths shrank with him. Good thing i have a lot of those pills. When we all went inside hawk said she know were ban and king were. "Really!?! Are you sure?" i was so surprised. She said she did. Apparently ban is in bosta prison. "Wow....i always new ban would end up in prison one day. How bout king. "Well...." she dragged out. "Rumors are king is dead." everything went silent. All eyes were on me. My bangs covered my eyes as i walked over to the bulletin board. I tore off dianes and threw it away. Then i grabbed bans and walked over to the table everyone was at. I pulled a dagger out of my boot and stabbed bans wanted poster to the table. Everyone jumped. "We will go to ban first." i then walked out with a tear slowing falling down my face.

No ones pov:

         When she walked out they all saw a tear roll down her face. Elizabeth was about to walk out when diane started to walk to the door, "i'll go." after he said that he walked out. "Hawk?" "yes elizabeth?" "is meli going to be ok?" "ya... She just gets very emotional when she hears something bad happened to her friends. She thinks thinks of her friends like family. When something happens to that family, her world crumbles around her."

*mean while with diane*

Diane's pov:

          Oh meli.... I go out there and she is trying to hide her tears. I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. I feel her stiffen and then she turns around. Her eyes go wide as a couple of tears roll down her face. " captain.....there is no need for you to put up a strong facade in front of us." as i say that i pulled her into a hug.

Melis pov:

        When he pulled me into the hug i was tempted to put my arms around him. But i just left them at my side as more tears came down my face. "Sssshhhh its ok, just let it out" i felt so upset i couldn't hold it back anymore. So i put my hands on his back and grabbed his shirt tightly. I cried into his chest for what felt like hours. When finally i fell asleep.

Diane's pov:

         Meli suddenly feel limp and her breathing slowed to a steady pace. Altho her gip on me loosened just a bit, she didn't let go. It was like i was her life line. When i finally got her hands off me i picked her up bridal style and started to go back inside. While i was walking she gripped onto my shirt. I swear on my life, i will never be the one to make you cry meli. When i got to her room i tucked her in bed. "Sleep well meli." and then i went to bed soon after everyone else.

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