The Children of the Forest

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"Harper, get up! The fireflies are out!"

Delaynie was waking me up again. So what if she is only 10! She shouldn't be waking me up before the moon is touching the horizon.

"I'm up. I'm getting up." I said, whipping the sleep from my eyes.

"Jules! Frankie! Jeffrey! The fireflies! The fireflies!"

Oh no. She is waking up almost everyone here. People are moaning and groaning, attempting to wake up as Jeffrey complains, "If it isn't that damn mountain lion, I'm not moving my damn self."

Jules, Jeffrey's older sister, slapped him so hard on the arm, the rest of our friends woke to a human-like howl.

"Is everyone up?" Delaynie said, scrunching her eyes to see better in the moon light. There were too many trees to even see the moon. "Yes Delaynie." Everyone scowled in unison.

"There are no fireflies, sorry to disappoint everyone!" Jeffrey looked at Jules with a very frustrated face as she shook her head at him. "But I heard voices. It sounded like a few big boys."

I knelt down on one knee, looking her in the eyes as everyone else moved very little as they searched their surroundings. "What did you hear?" "Harper, I think they know we are here. They said... All our names. Like they were... calling for us."

She looked back and forth between everyone, staring into my eyes last. "They said your name the most."

The Children of the ForestWhere stories live. Discover now