Wait or Run

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I didn't move, in fact, I couldnt. No one flinched, no one made a sound.

"What exactly were they saying?" I managed to mumble.

"They said they weren't going to hurt us, but take us home and-" Jeffrey interrupted, "We don't have a home. We have been out here for almost 4 years! We don't know who those people are, we can't trust them. Let's go." He grabbed Jules by the arm, giving her a look of shame when she struggled out of his grip.

"I'm not moving. They could be anywhere. And Jeffrey does have a point... We don't have a home. We can't even remember our mothers. I might be crazy, but I think we need to wait til morning before going anywhere." Jules finished with a sigh.

"Sounds like a great plan to me!" Leave it to Frankie to make us all feel better. "We really can't go anywhere. Delaynie said it herself. They are looking for us. We live here now. We are the children of the forest, and no one is gonna stop us!"

He might be right, but not only are people we don't know looking for us, but we can't remember anyone from home. Something isn't right. How. How can- "Harper," Jules interrupted my thoughts, "What do you think?"

"We can wait til morning. The sun is a huge benefit. Everyone go back to sleep. I'll stay up and keep guard."

"Wake me up if you need some sleep." Jules added before closing her eyes.


Everyone was asleep now, except me. But it gave me sometime to think.

Did we all hit our heads somewhere? No, we couldn't have. All I remember is the bus turning, and only us few surviving.

"Pssst. " What was that?

I looked around at everyone, who was sound asleep. "Pssssst."

"Alright, which one of you is messing with me?" I whispered with a smirk, until no one replied.

I sat back down at the truck of a tree. I'm just going crazy. 4 long years out here. I'm just nuts.

"Psssst." That's was it. Someone is talking to me. Someone behind me.

I turn around in one swift motion, only to see the unbelievable.

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