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She was there. Right in front of me. Shorter than me, even. She had long black hair, with purple streaks tucked behind her little pointed ears.

Four little triangles glimmering in the moonlight, poked out from behind her back.

"What... are you..." was all I managed to stutter.

"Hello, Harper. My name is Ventus. I am here beca-" "What are you, Ventus?" I wanted to know. I almost seemed desperate. I needed an answer.

She sighed. I stared, mouth wide open.

"I am, what you would probably call a. Um. A fairy."

She stood there, at the bottom of the tree I had been leaning on. Neither of us exchanged words, until I asked another question, "How do you know my name?"

"Well, Ever since you and your friends crashed on your school bus, I have been watching over you. Making sure you were okay. You know, you have been my favorite." Ventus looked up at me with a childish smile. Then looked back at the ground, sitting crisscross as she continued.

"My friend, Folia, and I could only save a few of you. My powers are wind, so I was able to float a few children down to the ground. Folia can control plants so she could easily catch, and lower you children to the ground. We had another friend named Auxilium, she was able to heal."

"Had?" I gave her a puzzled look. Not only was all of this new to me, but did she mean her friend, Auxilium, died?

"I have no way of saying this. So I'm just going to say it." She took a deep sigh as i said, "Its okay, go on."

"Okay. All of the kids Folia and I tried to save, died before we could save them. Auxilium could heal. So she healed your friends, as well as you. But the only way she could save you was you would have to forget parts of your past. And using so much of her power on others, left parts of your pain on her. And the pain killed her."

This creatures friend died just to save me? But why? Im a pointless nobody.

"No your not." Ventus said to me.

"Did you, just... read my, my mind?" I didnt say anything out loud did I?

She giggled like a little kid, "No, I can't read minds. Just wind stuff." She held her hand up, palm facing the night sky. A small tornado was in her hand, controlled by her own mind. "But you were talking out loud."

Well I feel stupid.

But I feel more stupid for not remembering my family. I wish I would have died remembering my family then living without knowing them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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