Chapter 8: Separated

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Keith's POV
"Okay we'll be there in four minutes and we don't know what to expect so everyone have some sort of weapon in hand."
I almost want to roll my eyes; it's like a lecture on a school trip.
"When we see the campsite we'll all watch it carefully to work out how many, if any, are there."

Great encouraging pep talk Shiro.
Oh wait it's not finished yet.

"We'll scout out the camp in two separate teams; Matt, Pidge and Keith"
I'm quite surprised that Shiro isn't being completely overprotective of Matt because Matt, well Matt, really doesn't look well.
"And the other is me, Lance and Hunk. Okay? Also we don't have any communication like walkie talkies and when I tried earlier our phones didn't  work either so shout if you need assistance; we're not gonna be too far apart."
No communication except by voice?
I'll be great at that.

There are around six buildings, one which looks like a barn, two that coul be toilets and a small house and two caravans.
No cars anywhere.

"We'll take the barn, Matt do you want to check out the caravans?"



We're at the first of the caravans, and it sounds like there's someone or thing moving around inside.

"Matt, you hang back and I'll go in first, Pudge you'll come in behind me."

"Call me Pudge again and you will lose your teeth."


"Don't ignore me"


"Keith! Hold the door! There's something in there!"

It throw all my weight against the door just as something inside does the same.

The force keeps mounting in bursts meaning more weight is being thrown against the warped door.

"Pidge!" I'm gasping for air, "we need to move; there're like four in there, maybe more."

Pidge and Matt have both added their weight to the door and we're scarcely holding it.

"Shiro! Help!"


Now we're waiting for a response and straining our ears we can hear Lance, Hunk and Shiro calling for us, even over the thumping of the door.
They must've run into zombies as well.

"We've got to move. Out of here, and we can't go that way."
Matt, pale as he currently is, gestures to where Shiro and the others went.

Zombies have spilled out of the barn and we can see those three sprinting away, back to the coach.
Around half of the group from where they were have turned towards us.
Abandoning the door we sprint away.

"Shiro! Find Walkie talkies! Channel three!"

Matt repeats this while we run.
We're going in the opposite direction to the truck. Where are we going to go?


Lance's POV

We're in deep shit.

We're separated, we're in some weird place and we have no communication with the others.

"Shiro could you hear what Matt was shouting?"

That's right, Matt was shouting something; I couldn't hear it, but I was further away than Shiro.


"Care to elaborate then?"
Ouch, I might've sounded a bit too harsh.

"We need to get a walkie talkie; Matt, Pidge and Keith will attempt to contact us on channel three."

And now?
Now, we drive in silence.

Sorry for writing such a bad, late chapter.

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