chapter twelve

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Ann, Elisa, and Nikka quietly left the hospital room, and ran outside to Elisa's car.

"Okay, here's the plan." Ann started.

"Why do we even need a plan?" Nikka asked annoyed.

Elisa gave him a glare and he shut up.

"Elisa, me and you will go to see Mr. Douglas. We'll tell him it was Jade." Ann said. Elisa nodded.

"Nik, you go talk to Jade. Get her to confess to it. Even if they have pictures, they really can't prove its her." Ann said.

Nikka rolled his eyes.

"Why should we even do this?" He asked.

Ann glared at him.

"Listen asshole, you love Marie. I know you do. So why won't you do this for her?" Ann yelled at her brother.

Nikka looked a bit shocked, but slightly amused.

"Fine." He said.

"We'll all meet at the car wreck." Elisa said.

The teens set off.

Ann and Elisa got into the car and drove to find Mr. Douglas.

"You know," Elisa started. "Your being really hard on Nikka." Ann rolled her eyes.

"He deserves it! He's such an asshole." Ann shouted.

"I know he hurt Marie, but we can't be mad forever. It's really non of our business what happens between them." Elisa said, turning on the street where the wreck happened.

Ann sighed and leaned against the window.

The girls saw Mr. Douglas standing with a couple police officers. Elisa pulled over the car and her and Ann got out.

"Hey girls." Mr. Douglas said, giving both a hug. "So what's up?"

Ann couldn't keep it in. "We know who crashed into your car! It was Jade Yern! She did it on purpose!" Ann shouted. The police officer glared at Ann. Elisa nudged Ann with her elbow to shut up.

"Young lady, thats a very serious accusation. How do you know exactly?" The police asked.

This time, Elisa spoke up. "She is the only person with a silver convertible!" The police officer raised his eyebrows.

"And do you have any proof?" The officer asked.

Elisa and Ann looked at each other. Where in the world was Nikka?

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