Cantarella Chapter 8: DATE RAPE!!! O.o

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Hi it's Penelope-chan! How's everyone doing? Yah okay fine...I'll stop talking! Enjoy!


     I walked into the ball room and passed Miku. From the corner of my eyes, I saw that she was constantly looking at me from time to time. I stopped and looked at her. Some of my dark blue hair covered my eyes though. Then, I turned away from her and walked away. Suddenly, she ran up to me and grabbed the end of my right sleeve. I turned to her again and her eyes were still red and watery from crying. "Kaito...I can't do it." she said. "Can't do what?" I replied.

"Stay away from you. You're so important to me you know..."

"Well then don't..."

     I pulled Miku into a hug. Tears started to flow from her beautiful orbs again. I let go of her and whiped her tears away. "Don't cry I'll go get you a drink." I said. She nodded and walked up to the man holding a tray of glasses of wine. I grabbed two glasses and poured in all of the poison and protection in one of the cups. I walked up to Miku and gave her the one with poison in it. She smiled at me and drank it all up.


     I started to feel dizzy and suddenly I can feel myself dozing off to sleep. I felt myself fall in a pair of strong arms and then my eyes shut close. Next thing I know...I woke up on my bed and I couldn't see anything. I can feel my body resting on my oh so soft mattress and my head lying on my pillow. I also felt a cloth wrapped around my head...blindfolded. My arms were chained to my bed frame. I started to try and wiggle myself free. Then, I heard a familiar voice say, "So I're awake now. How are you doing there my friend?" on my right. It was obviously Kaito and I can feel that he was close...really close. "Kaito? Why did you chain me to my bed? Unchain me now!" I demanded. He just chuckled and replied with, "You's not fair that Len gets all your attention."

He sat on my bed and I though of the word...RAPE. I started to cry knowing that it was my best and first friend who was betraying my with this action and I can't do anything about it. "Sweet Miku...your tears just makes me lust for you even more!" he said and...



     All the memories from our childhood soon visted me and brought me to tears when I've just realized what I've done. I've just violently attacked at innocent Miku. She has been so good to me. What have I done?


     I felt liquid landing on my wet face making it even wetter. Tears? Is Kaito crying? But why? "I'm sorry Miku..." he said. He got of of me and took of my blindfold. He soon unchained me. "I'd understand if you want to send me to dungeon. I just...I know what I've done to you is you unforgivable." he said. I hugged him. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you. I understand why you did this to me." I said. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "But I nearly killed you with that poison. If it wasn't for that-" I interrupted. "It's okay Kaito." I said. He smiled and hugged me back. "I love you Miku-chan and I'm sorry." he said. "I love you too." I said before kissing him.

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