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We started packing and putting our stuff in the moving truck. I told my dad I'm going to miss this place and he said I am to. But you're mother would want us to move on.
            We both came back in the house and said well that's everything we both held back tears. We walked out and got into the car and he said I know it hard but this is what good for us and start a new life and start a new school you will really like it here sweetie. I told him ok and I started looking out the window. A couple hour later we arrived in a California and it was so beautiful at night time.
      We go into the house and start unpacking and when we were done, dad asked what do you want to eat for dinner and i said how about we order pizza tonight and get everything ready for tomorrow cause you start school in a couple of days. And I'm going to be a principal so try to stay out of trouble and I just laughed and said I'll try but we know how that will work out.

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