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Today was the day Sara and Seth goes on a date. I asked Sara are you nervous and she said "hell no I'm not nervous". Sara finish getting ready and Seth came to my house to pick her up and she looked so pretty coming down the stairs. Seth said " you look really beautiful tonight" she said " thank you so do you" then they both looked at me all weird and I said what is, is it something on my face I said and they both said "no but you are coming with us".
  I said but I don't want to be the third-wheel and plus it's y'all special night I don't want to ruin it. " no you won't ruin it we got you a date tonight and his name is dean" I said like the bad boy from school dean, they said "yea cause it looked like the day when y'all were talking y'all hit it off". I said so that means I have to get ready right now and Sara said "yes."
I got ready for my date that Sara and Seth set up for me, I was talking to Sara the whole ride to Dean's place, next thing I know Sara left me to switch with Dean and I was like you bitch and she turned around and laughed. We arrive at the restaurant and we get a table and we all started talking about things and next thing I know I was hearing voices but it wasn't Sara's, Seth's and Dean's voice either it sounded like the voice in my dream the other night. I tried so hard to focus on my date and next thing I know is we got up and I had this feeling we were being followed and I can look in Dean's face and he could tell to but there is something about him that I can't put my finger on it .
I kept hearing footsteps that wasn't ours either and we got into the car and drove away I didn't want to scare Sara like the night at the party so I kept talking to keep her calm and didn't want her freaking out cause she the only person that knows the real me, I said Seth take this back way to my house and park your car in the back of my house and they said ok nervously.
I said Sara I'll tell you when we get to my house cause it's important and next thing I know I seen the car speeding up to cut us off and it stopped right in front of us and Seth backed up and sped off and and we lost the car, and got to my house safe and seth parked it behinds my house and we hid his car so it couldn't be seen and we ran into my house and I started calling for my dad but he didn't answer which is not like him so we ran upstairs and seen my dad knocked out and I went to go wake him up and I hear yelling, I turned around and seen what they were screaming at it was Tall, pale and ugly looking creature. Me and dean said get behind us now and wake up my dad please!

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