Dear Dawson-31

34 3 0

January 28.

Dear Dawson, do you remember our "secret hideout?"

It was the cliff a little while from "Denny's," and we went there when life was too much, when there seemed to be little hope left for anything at all.

I still go there and just sit, thoughts racing through my mind and tears streaming down my face. I seem to be going there more and more, and even though there is always silence when I make my visits there, it doesn't feel calm at all. It feels chaotic even though nothing at all is happening. It feels terrible.

I just wish you would come back.

And, no, not as a partner, but simply as a friend.

Because you were my friend before you were my crush.

You're a friend worth keeping and I ruined that. I am sorry.

It isn't your fault, it's mine.

Ignore the tear stains on papers, because I'm fine.

I'm really fine.


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