Dear Dawson-5

119 5 0

May 13.

Dear Dawson, I think I finally made a new friend today.

His name is Connor, and he's really nice. He plays in the football team, and he's actually not a jerk like you think all of the football players at school are.

I was hoping he'd replace you in a way, which sounds terrible now that I say it out loud, but nonetheless, it is true. That is what i hope for.

He's nothing like you.

He's athletic like me and confident and never shy, which is both good and bad at times. I can be shy just like you sometimes, a lot actually, so we don't always see eye to eye. Everyone has differences, though, even you and I.

Like, how I love you endlessly, and you never even spare me much of a glance anymore.

Maybe I shouldn't be so bitter about the whole situation, especially that I have now made a new friend, but I can't help hating the entire thing. It just sucks. I know I can't do much of anything, but I definitely wish I could. I wish I could convince you to come back, to love me back, but that won't happen.

You're not like that.

You're one of those people that think independently, that can't be persuaded easily.

And I'm one of those people who aren't very persuasive. It just doesn't add up very well.

Plus, how could you love me when you can't even be a proper friend to me anymore? There I go again, bringing it up in my thoughts endlessly. It seems that's all I think about anymore.

I hate it. I hate that I can't get over it, that it racks my mind during class and lunch and every other part of the day, that you're the center of my attention most of the time. I wish I could just forget you, forget your stunning smile, your laugh, those mesmerizing eyes, but that's impossible. Who could forget you? You're simply unforgettable in every aspect- everything about you is beautiful and perfect and unforgettable.

That doesn't mean I can't wish, though, even if I know it will never happen.

I'm glad I made a new friend, but I know he'll never replace you. Maybe I should just give up, but deep down, I don't want to. I never want to.

Usually, I'd come to you with a problem like this, but you're not here anymore. I'm left alone.

Have you heard about the Fall Dance at school, Dawson?

I suppose you must've. You're a very observant person, and there are posters about it everywhere. When we were best friends, I was hoping we'd go to together, but now that we barely talk at all, I doubt that's a possibility. You're probably going with Amanda. Maybe I can still dance with you, though.

Connor told me he was going to ask someone to the dance soon, and I smiled happily for him.

"That's great, Connor," I'd replied with a smile, "who is the lucky girl?" He smiled wildly before shrugging.

"You'll see soon," was his only response. I just smiled again and nodded in understanding. He's really a good friend, and I appreciate and love him dearly.

But that doesn't mean I can't miss you.


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