20| I-I...

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Clyde stiffened up at the sudden movement, but quickly relaxed his muscles and returned the gesture.

"I-I-..." Clyde's face flushed as he looked away from the chocolate coloured male.

He looked into Token's dark mysterious eyes, ones that he could get lost in easily.
Snapping back to reality, Clyde pushed Token away "I-I gotta go!" He said, tears at the brink of spilling. He ran out of the mansion, a waterfall of tears following soon after. "I'm so s-stupid! He was just saying that to make me feel better!" Clyde yelled to himself, choking and sobbing.

The brunette ran home and locked the door behind him, not wanting to think of how Token really felt.

He coughed up some more purple flowers, thus proving his thought process.

He's dating Nicole
He said to himself, sobbing uncontrollably.

He hung his head and slid against the door he had just locked.

Clyde later passed out due to exhaustion. He knew that he would wake up with puffy red eyes and a sore throat, he always did.

Ya'll happy?
~Veronica (aka TheDizzyVeronica)

YES✌&❤ Kat)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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