Book 3: Fire

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Author's Note

Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading Book 1 and Book 2! I never thought that my FanFiction I'd been forever keeping in mind would ever amount to what is has today. Thank you all for your support!

A tentative date for Book 3 will be around mid-September. I want to take August off because school will starting very soon. I want to get a feel for my new schedule and homework. I think you guys can understand. But for now, here is a sneak peak at Book 3.

We passed by cell after cell, each one with a person who had either a) tried to break in (almost always on accident) or b) had somehow conspired against the emperor or his family.

Yamanichi stopped in front of a cell 3rd to the end. "He's in here," Yamanichi said gravely. Before he turned away, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why would he be here?" I asked. Yamanichi just shook his head.

"I'm not the one who should tell you that." I nodded, and we bowed to each other. I entered the cell; Khanu, Salwa, and Ummi were behind me. I saw him in the corner, leaning against the wall. He jumped up when he saw me.

"Luna!" Chen exclaimed. He pulled me into a tight embrace. We hugged for a while before Khanu coughed behind us.

"Oh, uh, guys, this is my brother, Chen. Chen, these are my friends Khanu, Salwa, and Ummi."

"Hi." Well that was warm, I thought.

"Chen, what are you doing in here?" He looked down at his feet, ashamed to look me in the eye. "Chen. Why are you here? Is dad here as well?" Ge shook his head.

"No, but it's something I shouldn't be the one to tell you about." He put a hand on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eye. "But it's nothing too terrible. I'm going to get out. I promise."

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