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A lonely figure floated around, it's one eye glancing about cautiously. Wait, you don't know where we are, do you?

Welcome to The Dark Matter Fortress, where Dark Matters thrive on! They're all great friends, besides one of them...

That one being Dark Matter Swordsman.

See, being a Swordsman sets you apart from the rest. It makes you different, because none of the others are swordsmen.  Obviously, he was STILL a Dark Matter, but he had a sword.

[{🖤}] A/N: Yes, Swordsman has a gender, as well as Zero, even though their genders have never really been revealed. [{🖤}]

He sighed, taking out his sword, flipping it a few times in the air, and sheathing it again. For roughly 5 seconds, before he heard a slightly demonic voice behind him, which made the swordsman whip out his sword, and point it towards the source of the voice.

"Your reflexes are still strong, I see," commented Zero, whom floated out from the shadows. Realizing what he just did, Swordsman huffed, and sheathed his sword, "Don't scare me like that..."

Zero chuckled, "I was testing if you were still well-trained, that's all," he said, making the Dark Matter more flustered than before, "That was a test? What are you, my mentor?" Swordsman grumbled the last part under his breath. Zero ignored the last comment.

"Come, I need to show you something, Apprentice," Zero started floating away, leaving a mad Dark Matter behind him.

"I could hear the smirk in your voice!" Swordsman accused, narrowing his eye, "What smirk? I don't have a mouth," Zero pointed out, his red eye shining with amusement. His apprentice glared at him, "I hate you."

"Aw, I love me too. Thanks."

"THAT WASN'T THE POINT!" Swordsman yelled in frustration, "Just....take me to your place, and never speak of this again."

"As you wish, master," the leader casually said, floating on ahead like nothing had ever happened. Swordsman cursed in German, due to him knowing a lot of languages, "What did you say? I didn't hear you." Zero called back, "You heard nothing, old man!"

"But I'm not a man, I'm a floating eye that can shoot blood. And what are you? My son? Oh wait, you are."

"I hate you."

"I know."


Zero laughed to himself, and stopped on a balcony outside. His son followed him out, blinking in confusion, "Why are we out here?"

"Don't tell anyone else about this," Zero took a moment to gather his thoughts, "I'm making this place open to all villains. Even Magolor, Taranza, and Susie can come, even though they've turned more neutral," The neutral was said with a bit of hatred, which made Swordsman sceptical about those three names he mentioned. Also, how did he know about them? Magolor he could maybe understand, but Taranza? Susie? Who the hell ate they?

"I, uh, I think that's a good idea. I've wanted Nebula here for awhile now," He commented, vaguely remembering his weaker brother.

Zero looked at him. If he had a mouth, he'd be smiling right about now. The both looked into the distance, where, in two months, villains would be coming in.

"This is our rise back to power. Let us make it count," Zero said, and Swordsman nodded.

"Let us make it count," he echoed, feeling more powerful than ever, "Go get some rest. We'll start making more rooms tomorrow," the leader ordered. Swordsman nodded, "You should get some rest too. You've been looking more tired lately," he suggested, floating off.

This was their moment. Their ascent into power.

They were going to make them pay.

There we have it! Our first chapter.

I hope you all will like this, as this is my first real story. And my second collab.

W o o o o o o o o o!

Total word count: 640.

DiscontinuedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora