Chapter 1

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Swordsmans POV (Yay, first POV)

I let out a groan as I was awakened by pretty much everyone being loud.

And I mean LOUD.

I could hear people through the walls, under me, above me. To hell with it, I could hear them across the hall! I floated out of bed, shook out my 'hair', and went on my way.

What did I do all day?

Well, I can't say yet.

I went down the hall, and bumped into someone that looked a lot like Kirby, but with angel like wings. I instantly reconized Galacta Knight, the greatest warrior in the galaxy.

He was, for a few centuries.

Galacta turned around, "Could you use your eyes, and watch where you're going?" He grumbled. I took more than a grain of salt to that, "Sorry to point it out to you, but I have one eye, not two, old man," I shot back. He glared at me with so much anger, I thought I saw steam come out of his  ears. If he had any, at that.


I mentally groaned, and turned around to see Drawcia coming up behind me. Galacta took this moment to spread his feathery wings, and shoot down the corridor.

"Zero wants to see you~!" Drawcia sang, a smile probably hidden behind her scarf. I swear, this woman has a crush on me, and it freaks me out. She's a witch, I'm a swordsman. How'd that ever work out?

"Okay, thanks," I muttered, and flew off before she could get another word out. Halfway across the long hall, I realized I had no idea where to go.

"Drawcia? Where is he?"

"In his study!" The witch chirped happily.

"I....okay, thanks. Again."
I zoomed off, and only halted when I reached some great oak doors. Is that the material?

"Zero, I'm here!" I yelled at the door. A muffled 'Come on in' was the reply. I pushed open the door with my body.

Atleast, I attempted too.

I struggled to open this one, stupid door. THIS ONE DOOR!

In the middle of my struggle, the door suddenly opened, and I found myself face down on the floor.

"I didn't expect that to happen," Zero commented, his eye shining with amusment, "Shut up.." I groaned, picking myself off of the floor.

The study wasn't anything big or exciting. There were multiple bookshelves, all of which were filled with books on Dark Magic, The Ancients, and a lot of other things.
(A/N: I may or may have not given them the ability to turn human whenever they want.

"Besides all of....that," I sighed, "Why am I in here?"

"Well, you're my most trusted son. And Apprentice. And - you get the point, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"I've made Galacta Knight a spy. You know, so he can tell us what's going on," I narrowed my eye at his choice of person, "I can get Gooey. Maybe. Also, are you SURE Galacta is the best choice?"

"Positive," Zero stated. I was still sceptical about all this, but what choice did I have? I can't just suddenly turn rouge. I'd have to go along with it. Also because I'm his best shot at a one on one with anyone.

"If you say so," I muttered. Silence followed my words, until a loud-ish screech was heard.

"Marx," We both said at the exact same time. I glanced at Zero, and blinked in confusion. He stared back at me, and made a motion that looked like a shrug. Without another word, I flew towards the sound of the screech.

And then I hit the door.
And blacked out.
This is why I hate doors.

Zeros POV (Fite me pheasants)
(Also, in his pov, his voice won't be in bold, because to himself, he sounds normal as all hell.)

"Sword, the door-"
Too late.
"How helpful," I grumbled to myself, but I still kinda levitated him into the air, and onto the wall.

"I really need to stop treating him like my only son."

I flew out the door, and I just happened to see a Lavender ball of rage, and a small Squeak.

More like 100 small Squeaks.


Marxs voice became muffled due to me putting some type of charm on his mouth.

"Now," I started, my voice dangerously soft, "Which one of you broke the window?"

Long story short, they all scrambled away shortly after I asked that question.

"Please tell me it's over.."

A small creature floated up to me, narrowing it's eyes in suspicion.

"You can take the charm off Marx now," It spoke. I did what it asked, and the jester let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Magolor," He gave the creature a toothy grin, "Always glad to help..." Magolor sighed.

"I'm starting to regret doing this."

(820 words!)

Edit; Wattpad is being a bitch..

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