Chapter 1, Part 3

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"That one," he pointed at one of the five humans gathered on a city wall. "He seems to be the leader and the one we have learned of from the humans we captured."

"Yes, Jaldabaoth-sama. His equipment matches the description we got from the adventurers we've captured at this village." Replied Yuri Alpha respectfully.

The other maids were looking at the image that was magically projected in front of them. [Observe] was the scroll used to watch the group gathered on the wall protecting Cressa. They did not take any measure to impede enemies from discovering their observation spell or even determining their own location. In fact, the possibility of being discovered, and counter-attacked was one of the myriad Demiurge had considered. That is why they wore masks, observing from Kolea village.

"He seems quite powerful," remarked Entoma, while observing the person in question - he was clad in plate armor, with a sword and a shield. The sword appeared to emit white light, making it stand out from the weapons of his companions. "It feels that he is as powerful, no, slightly more powerful than me." She continued.

"That is indeed the case. He's quite an interesting specimen, one I would like to examine in more details in my quarters." Said Demiurge, a twisted smile of an evil scientist on his face. "But," the smile faded from his face "we'll have to leave him be. It is a necessary step in order to make this kingdom taste the true meaning of despair"

"Then as we've discussed, we will begin in three hours. My Evil Lords will begin to summon their minions and sending them to the city. A bit later the five of you will engage this group of paladins. Despite, only the leader being on your level, their ability to work together is something to be aware of. I will be observing from here and will interfere if anything goes astray. If things go as planned, I will show up at the finale and push them into the deepest pits of despair."

"Also you can easily crush this bugs, you should restrain yourself and work as a team, instead of crushing them with your personal power. Do you have any proposals on how to engage this group?" Demiurge asked Yuri.

After thinking about why Ainz-sama would take Shalltear along in his expedition to the dwarven kingdom, he realized that his master wanted Shalltear to gain experience and avoid making mistakes like she did in the past.

As a loyal servant Demiurge, wanted the same for the Pleiades. Entoma's battle with Blue Rose's members revealed that while Pleidas were powerful compared to the natives of this world, their tactical combat experience was somewhat lacking. This opportunity would be used to allow them to obtain combat experience against an experienced foe, in what should be a safe environment. That was why he would not join the fight until his part, save for an emergency that would require his interference.

Yuri Alpha looked around at the other four maids before she began. As the leader of the battle maids, it was her burden to come up with the strategy to use against this group of adventurers.

"Although Solution is not allowed to reveal her true form, she should have no problems taking on the two of the paladins using two-handed weapons. Their strength will prove useless against Solution's body. Entoma will take on the tall one with sword and shield. I'll take on the one with the mace and shield. Lupusregina will take on their leader, her main objective being to stall him. CZ will provide assistance to Entoma as well as a distraction as needed."

"Once Entoma disposes of her opponent, it will create a domino effect where all but the leader will fall one by one," Yuri concluded. After pushing up her glasses, she looked at Demiurge.
"A splendid plan, and a great way to show Entoma that she has the trust of the whole group." Demiurge complimented her.

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