Chapter 2, Part 4

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"Looks like your brother is causing problems once again Demiurge," - Ainz addressed Demiurge.

"My apologies Ainz-sama," Demiurge replied with a bow.

"No, no. His actions have nothing to do with you," Ainz told him.

While this conversation was going on, the three humans in the room stared at Ainz wide-eyed. After taking a few seconds to process what he heard Potemur addressed Ainz.

"Can... Can you explain your Majesty? If Jaldabaoth is a brother of this Demiurge, then does it mean Jaldabaoth is your subordinate? Did he attack the Holy Kingdom on your orders?!" he asked Ainz, a note of anger in his voice.

"Clam yourself Potemur. I told you it wasn't like that," told him Momon in a loud voice, that made Potemur calm down a little.

"Long ago, Jaldabaoth was my subordinate," the sound of Ainz's voice appeared distant as if remembering events long past. "However, he grew too powerful and chose to pursue his own goal. I want a world where all species live peacefully together, but Jaldabaoth wants to plunge the world into chaos and savor the despair of its inhabitants."

"He and another fool rebelled against my rule. They were defeated and sealed away," - he concluded.

"But nothing lasts forever. Jaldabaoth had broken his seal, and had come to this world once again," - explained Albedo.

"Although his vision is the opposite of Ainz-sama. He still admires our master, and so he styled his own entourage after Ainz-sama, using demons in place of maids. Although they can only copy the body, their faces are still those of demons, hence the need for masks," - Demiurge said.

"I.. I understand. Then your Majesty, will you help us in our fight against Jaldabaoth?" - Potemur asked. In the end, he was there to get help and get it quickly.

"I will be honored to face Jaldabaoth again," announced Momon, as he faced Ainz.

"You are not strong enough, human," - retorted him Albedo, her tone clearly revealing that she thought little of his strength.

"I have fought Jaldabaoth before, while I was unable to defeat him then, this time will be different," - Momon replied.

"No. It is as Albedo says. You no longer have the power to defeat Jaldabaoth," Ainz stated.

"What do you mean your Majesty? Please explain the meaning of your words," Momon demanded.

Ainz waves his hand at Demiurge, who was looking at him, indicating that he could explain.

"When he became the strongest demon my brother acquired a very powerful ability – he becomes stronger the more time he spends in this world. That ability is what led to him becoming too powerful and choosing to challenge the Supreme Being we all serve."

"You were able to fight him evenly when he first came to this world and was weakened. However, he had been in this world far too long now. Your power is no longer enough to oppose him."

"Truthfully, Jaldabaoth breaking his seal was the reason for my coming out of my slumber," Ainz explained. "Normally we would immediately engage and defeat him. However, I had slumbered too long, the world had changed and no one remembered the greatness of Nazarick. With no connection to the nearby countries, and being a feared undead, we could neither gather information about Jaldabaoth's location nor move to confront him."

"Luckily, Momon had faced Jaldabaoth and limited the amount of time he could spend in this world. As well as defeated the vampire Honyopenyoko," said Demiurge. "Still, we could not sit idly by, thus we made our move, allied with Baharuth Empire and claimed this territory. All of it in order to be in a position to gather information about Jaldabaoth's movements and promptly move to confront him," - finished his explanation Ainz.

As understanding dawned on the three humans present, one could see their thoughts and emotions reflected on their faces. Even such experienced diplomats could not conceal their feelings, so shattering was the information they have heard.

"Although, this is not my place, may I ask about the vampire Honyopenyoko?" Zeria asked during the silence which followed Ainz's explanation. "I have heard of this vampire and its strength. What is her relationship with the Sorcerer Kingdom as well as Momon-san?"

Momon looked at Ainz, who nodded to him that it was fine to answer.

"When I and Nabe were away on a quest, Honyopenyoko attacked my estate, killed everyone, and stole a powerful item my family passed through generations," - Momon begun. "My chase led me to E-Rantel, where I became an adventurer in order to be able to gather information which could lead me to Honyopenyoko. I've also learned that there was another vampire."

"I believed the two were working together and sought to destroy them both. However, his Majesty explained that Honyopenyoko had apparently used the item she stole from my estate to take control of her twin sister Shalltear," - he waved at the big-bosomed girl in a dress.

"Mind control?!" Gasped Zeria when he heard this.

"Not exactly. It does not take control over a target, rather it is a power of persuasion. For instance, if someone suggested to you that betraying Theocracy was the best way to save humanity, and used that item, then you would betray Theocracy of your own free will, convinced that your decision to do so was correct," - Momon explained that monstrous power of the stolen item. "The target does experience a temporary memory loss, similar to being mind controlled after the effect is dispelled."

"Luckily it was a one-time use item. So we no longer have to worry about it," added Momon.

"I understand now," said Zeria with a look of relief on his face. "But, how did you know that the vampire you confronted was Honyopenyoko and not Shalltear? If they were twins," he asked.

"We are nothing alike. I would never betray Ainz-sama!" - Shalltear replied energetically, "and despite being twins we were quite different, I got all the brains and Honyopenyoko got all the brawn."

"Ah I see, so Momon was able to tell who he was facing based on the strength described by the adventurer's guild," thought Zeria.

"Still, what's with all these brothers and sisters," he mumbled.
"The Supreme Beings had created us that way," - replied one of the dark elves, who somehow managed to pick up his words.
For the sake of his mind, Zeria chose to ignore the words "Supreme Beings created us" and instead focused on what was in front of him. The two elves were clearly siblings, it was plausible the other two had siblings as well.

"Let's get back to the Holy Kingdom. Your Majesty, if Momon is no longer strong enough to confront Jaldabaoth, what will you do?" Potemur brought the conversation back to the subject of his business. He was less concerned with the history of these beings and more with protecting his kingdom.

"Naturally, as the strongest being in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick I will fight Jaldabaoth myself," Ainz announced.

"For the crimes of imitating my maids, controlling Shalltear and most importantly, for going against my rule I will teach him what happens to those who oppose me!" Ainz proclaimed in a powerful voice, as he stood up and clenched his fist the red dots of his eyes shone brightly.

All who were present at that moment had felt only one sensation as they saw him – fear. Before them stood an Overlord of Death, announcing someone's fate. There could be no doubt that the target of his speech would meet his end. And then it hit them...

Panic. Dominating, overwhelming panic. All those present trembled before this visage of death. As his power washed over them, the thoughts of the humans present were rather alike. And then it passed as if it was a dream, and Ainz sat back down.

"As your vassal Baharuth Empire will do anything in our power to aid you!" - Jircniv proclaimed while prostrating before Ainz. His body was still trembling from the fear he had experienced.

"Why is he doing this? Was using Aura of Despair II going too far?" Ainz wondered as he looked at Jircniv prostrating in front of him.

"Thank you Jircniv-done," he replied, after deciding to ignore this and continue with the plan.

Zeria couldn't blame Jircniv for behaving in such an undignified way. Frankly, he himself was close to prostrating to the monster in front of him and pledging to serve him.

"It's impossible to fight this monster. No, even any attempt at opposition is foolish and will only be met with death. I should try my hardest to convince the Cardinals of this. Or should I betray Theocracy and pledge my loyalty to this monster right now?" - Zeria wavered as he tried to stop his body from shaking.

"But, Ainz-sama, Jaldabaoth had become quite powerful, is it not risky to confront him by yourself?"

"I will take Demiurge with me, he knows his brother's ability best," Ainz replied.

"But Demiurge is weakened. The link between him and his brother had allowed Jaldabaoth to siphon his strength!" Albedo interjected. "He can't even use his human form anymore."

"Demiurge will advise me on strategy. I will be the only one fighting Jaldabaoth, " replied Ainz.

"But... Ainz-sama is it.. not better to let us... come with.. you?" - asked Mare in his panicky voice.

"No. If we arrive with a large enough force to guarantee victory Jaldabaoth simply won't show up," Demiurge explained. "He'd claim that causing humans despair as they agonized for two weeks about their demise was his goal all along."

"Additionally, If we neglect E-Rantel's defense it would leave us open to a counterattack by Jaldabaoth," added Shalltear.

"Then it is settled. I and Demiurge will go to the Holy Kingdom to defeat Jaldabaoth. Albedo will remain in E-Rantel as the Guardians Overseer, Aura and Shalltear will provide her assistance if needed. Mare will serve as an envoy to the Slane Theocracy," - Ainz concluded.

"Oh, and Momon, I have studied the reports from the Draconic Kingdom. They are in rather dire straights. It is possible

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