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welcome to the form!

welcome to the form!

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remember that all forms must be on pastebin or google docs ((and if you're using docs, please use images! i like them more and they might give you more chances of getting accepted)), and commented inline in the next chapter!!


°• me!

USERNAME - (on wattpad)

PASSWORD - (in the rules chapter!)


°• her!


FULL NAME - (diversity!!)

NICKNAMES - (optional; max 5)

BIRTHDATE - (month date, year; in words)

HEIGHT&WEIGHT - (ft,in and lbs)


BACKUP FACE CLAIM - (in case your first choice is taken)


NATIONALITY - (the country she pledges allegiance to. i love diversity!)

ETHNICITY - (not to be confused with race. the country from where her culture is influenced. asian isn't an ethnicity!!)

PERSONALITY - (at least 8 sentences for a paragraph, or 5 bullet points that MUST be elaborated on)

BACKGROUND - (tell me about her childhood. did she have a normal childhood, was it above average, or was it full of trials and tribulations. is there some event in her life that affected her? you don't have to be too descriptive, but enough that i can understand why your oc acts the way she does. at least 6 sentences will do)

FAMILY MEMBERS - (name, relation, age, status)

LIKES - (min 3, max 8)


TRIVIA - (tell me the most random things about her that you think could possibly be useful! any sicknesses, allergies. maybe she watched something by accident as a child and it's scarred her for life. go crazy!)


HER WISHES - (list three wishes she'll have, then next to it just put a simple reason why she wishes for this, don't put an entire paragraph, a sentence will do just fine. if you want to, state which one she should wish for first, second, and third; but that's optional.)




BACKUP LOVE INTEREST - (in case your first choice is taken)

PERSONALITY - (at least 5 sentences, just elaborate on the traits i listed )

LIKES - (min 3, max 6)


TRIVIA - (max 8)



RELATIONSHIP - (min 6 sentences on their relationship with their li. do they have a love/hate ship? do they start out as best friends? specify whether you want them to date)

TRIVIA - (random stuff about their relationship. max 7)

CLOSEST TO - (which slot she's closest to and 1-2 sentences on why)

FARTHEST FROM - (^ but farthest instead)



EXTRAS - (anything i didn't include?)

MESSAGE TO ME - (anything you would like to say to me?)

MESSAGE FROM YOURS TRULY - heyyyyy my awesome peoples, thanks so much for applying! i (j)hope you can forgive me taking years to write this form, but i hope it was worth it. don't stress too much about this form, school's starting, so focus on that first! and there's no deadline atm so that you can focus more on your studies. have fun applying!

if you have any questions, just comment them, so that if someone has the same question it'll be answered!

pastebin link here >

google docs link here >

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