❃ nightmare ❃

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son haneul stuffed her phone back in her pocket, shoving her hands in the warm shelters, as well. she walked on, the shining sun high in the sky giving her no relief from the cold. another wind blew, chilling her through her jacket to the bone.

after crossing on the zebra crossing, she reached the other side of the road just in time before the walk light switched to a bright red hand.

suddenly, a young man appeared in front of her. haneul could see how frazzled he was, but oddly even with his messy red hair and wide, questioning eyes, there was some ethereal beauty to him.

his voice was sweet, and reminded her of a ringing bell, when he asked the brunette, "uh, hi. sorry to bother you, but do you know the way to this address?" he uncumpled a small piece of paper on which a seoul apartment address was scribbled in a loopy and slanted cursive.

reluctantly, haneul realized that he was pretty hot, and it's not every day a confused hot guy asks you for directions. she sighed, swallowing her almost natural annoyance, and read the words on the paper in front of her.

"what the-" she mumbled, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. that address looked odd to her. she shook her head, she was probably reading it wrong. haneul read each line slowly and carefully, but it was the same. her tongue poked her cheek as she looked up to the hella hot guy next to her and back to the paper, back and forth.

haneul took a breath to organize her thoughts and concerns, and stared into the man's glowing dark brown eyes with her own narrowed ones.

"how the hell did you get my address?"



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yay!!! i'm starting this af soon
i'm pretty busy so updates won't be frequent, i'll try to close some slots soon... and then we'll start the book!!!!

yeet i can't stop listening to miroh aH

- sam 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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