Little Secret (Markus x Simon)

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- Fluff

Markus and Simon have been in their 'Secret relationship' for close to three months now. It was difficult to say at the least, Markus would do something to gain Simon's attention, Simon would forcefully brush the action off, fear of anyone else seeing. The only time they were capable of acting like a couple was when they were sure no one esle was around.

And in those few minutes, they make every second count...

"You know, we can't stay under the protection of Jericho forever, Markus." North started, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at him. Markus turned to the control panel, gently pressing his hand on a lever,

"I'm aware, North." He answered. "The humans will find us eventually, but until then, I want you to keep everyone in safe hands. Make sure there's enough blue blood along with bioconpoments(I spelled that wrong but sh) to go around." Markus ordered. North nodded, her eyes then trailing to the ground. She then took a step toward Markus, getting close enough to him that Simon's LED flicked to a red.

"Will do. But... When the humans do arrive, I want you to take this." North said, handing the device to Markus. Markus stared at his, slight fear rising in him.

"A dirty bomb... How did you get this?" He asked. North shrugged, a soft smile on her features.

"I have a friend.", She answered.

Josh shook his head, "No way North! Violence is not the answer!" He snapped. North turned him, about to snap back but Markus stepped in. 

"Both of you, go help the others!" He yelled. North glared at him before storming out of the room. Josh reluctantly followed behind. Simon awkwardly stood in the corner, watching as they left the room. Josh grabbed the door,

"You want this opened or closed?" He asked. Markus turned to him, 

"Closed is fine." He said before turning back to the control panel. Once the door shut, he let out a long sigh, stress building up on him. Simon walked over, wanting to find a way to touch him but too afraid of making a wrong move. He reached out to brush Markus's arm but found himself retracting his hand nervously. 

"Breathe." He smiled at Markus. Markus turned to him, forcing a small smile. 

"Thank you, Simon." Markus said before turning. He paced around the room, "Just... What do I do? North's right, what if we show that we're too weak then they don't take us seriously? ... And if we don't be violent, will they take us seriously from a peaceful demostration?" Markus asked. 

Simon leaned his back against the counter, placing both of his hands beside him as he looked at Markus, "I support you no matter what. Although, I do not want any more lives taken. I mean, North probably isn't right about the, 'one life isn't as important as our cause'... Every life is important, Markus. And we shouldn't have another civil war."

Markus rubbed his eyes, turning to Simon. 

"Y-Youre right." Markus mumbled. Simon put a hand out, a soft smile on his features. "Psh, you're always right." Markus muttered with a soft chuckle, taking his hand. Both of their skin fazed away, leaving their shiny metal features to press against each other, Markus smirked, feeling the love and passion that thumped Simon's heart beat regulator, he paused feeling the one peculiar emotion. 


Markus gently picked up Simon, placing him on the counter. Simon smiled gently, bringing the hand that wasn't connected to his partners's to the back of Markus's neck, gently rubbing his fingertips through his hair. Markus smiled at this before roughly pressing his lips against Simon's.

Simon wrapped his legs around Markus waist, gently biting and nipping at Markus lips, although keeping the kiss passionate rather than lustful. Simon took the next step, dipping his tongue into Markus mouth as he pulled him closer, their bodies pressed together. 

Markus Pulled away, a small smile on his lips. He squeezed Simon's hand, 

"I love you." He whispered, a ghost of his breath going over Simon's lips. 

"I love you too." Simon smiled, pulling him into another heated kiss. 




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