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It starts with a shiver.

A cold unnerving shiver as if ice cold water is being poured slowly down my spine.

I feel frosty breath, brushing the back of my neck and my hairs raise.

Adrenalin pumps through my veins and my heart begins pounding, faster and faster in my chest.

I can't breath.

I stumble clumsily backwards and hit the wall. I slide down it until I'm on the floor gasping for air.

I try to reach for the door handle but my body is frozen , trapped in a cage of fear.

Pain sears through my body.

My vision starts to go blurry and I take one last look at the bathroom mirror.

Terror crashes over me like a tidal wave.

My eyes are black!

Im panicking, trying to scream for someone,  anyone.

But soon I'm blanketed in

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