Fourth Phone Call.

354 13 0

(Days gone: twelve)

"Promise me that you won't ever change."


"Today I was in line at that market that I always go to ,yeah? and there was this tabloid and the headline was ridiculous And I don't ever ever want you to get like some of the people in those magazines."

"I won't ever be like the people in those magazines, Lennon."

"Ugh, Zayn. say it like you mean it- hey, don't laugh at me I'm serious."

"What was the article about- like, who was in it?"

"Some celebrity back on crack or something-"

"Oh, so you think I'm going to start using crack?"

"Stop laughing at me! And no, but you could get crazy like that. You guys are getting bigger and bigger, I don't want want you to ever lose your.... your... Zayn-ness."

"Lennon, I won't ever lose my zayn-ness okay?"



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