Twentieth Phone Call.

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"Two weeks, Lennon."

"Yeah, I know. Will you actually come visit us , or are you going to come home but not actually come home like you did last time?

"Damn, who pissed you off?"

"You don't remember do you?"


"Of course I remember, Lennon." 

"Did you mean it or am I just another one of your girls, Z?" 

"What- no. C'mon Lennon you know that's far from the truth." 

"I didn't mean to snap like that, I'm sorry. You've just changed so much these last months.  I thought-"

"No. You couldn't be more wrong. I love you, Lennon. And at first I didn't understand it and now I do. You've been here this whole time and you make me want to be a better me."

"Lennon? Say something."

"Seriously, Lenny. Say anything."

"You just told me you wanted to be with me."

"I guess I did and don't ask me to take it back because I won't"

"This is just weird."


"No Z. Not like weird weird, like, weird as in you're my best friend and I may love you too."

"May love me too?"

"Definitely love you too."

"I've wanted to hear you say that for so long."

"I can hear your smile, you know that?"

"Lennon that's just weird."

"Weirder than you proclaiming your love to me while you're an ocean away?"

"Weirder than you saying you love me too."

Distance / / z.m.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ