Old time friend

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Woke up around five o'clock to go for some jogging and warm ups. Did some jumping then left for the jogging. I had my earphones on so enjoyed some cool gospel for the morning. Some other people were also doing same, others were taking their dogs for walks and sitting to relax themselves. I stopped by one of the rives nearby and sat down to relax. Heard some footsteps at my back so turned
"Are you looking for something? ", I asked.
He looked confused a little.
"I think I know you from somewhere? ", he stared.
"Yes. You are Betty. The artist who won my heart ", he came closer.
"Wow!  How? "
"Your song touched me and made me realize I had been a fool not to have seen God for who he is. Thank you for making me see Him. "
He brought tears into my eyes. Before I realized he hugged me and I hugged him back. Thank you God, was all I was saying. He jogged with me to my house. I served him with a cup of coffee. We shared a few thoughts about the word of God. He taught me new things and I also did same. We both had work to do so prayed and said our goodbyes.

I became so happy for winning a soul for God. I'm even imagining how God will feel right now. I danced all the way to my car and continued till I got to work. Greeted everyone before entering my office. My day has just begun and I'm all greatful.
"Today madam is really happy",
"Yes oo. I thank God. Maybe she has found a lover, someone to make her happy always "
"Yes oo, she's good and needs one indeed"

I went out for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Today I wanted it heavy so ordered for some rice balls and groundnut soup. I noticed someone watching me from a distance. I knew this because I could feel the person's gaze. I finished everything so fast and stepped out. Betty! Someone called from behind. I stopped on my tracks and turned to face the person.
"Don't you remember me? ", he asked with a smile.
"No please. Who may you be? "
"It's me Jack. Your mate way back in the secondary school ", he continued.
"Jack, Jack, yh yh. I remember now, my DHP", I laughed.
"Oh! You never forget do you?
"Haha, why should I. You always fed me and made sure I become fat like you. But now look at you, all grown and slim."
"Don't laugh at me Betty, I'm not nice"
"Hey, never say that. You are more handsome now. "
"Thank you "

We had a nice chat before I told him I had to get back to work. We exchanged cards and hugged each other. I had a nice time at work since my mood was good. Thanked God for such a wonderful day. Drove home and made myself a sandwich. It was three minutes pass seven when Jack called. He asked how I was and we had a nice conversation. He asked me out for a cup of coffee on the up coming Saturday at a popular coffee shop. I wanted to decline because I imagined how it would end up. He telling me he likes me and me getting angry and so lot. I accepted only because I needed a friend in my life and now that I have found an old one, why not.

The days kept moving so fast that I couldn't believe it. I thought that nature couldn't wait for me to meet him. Today is Friday and it's a holiday. Betty! Betty! How would you like to spend this day? I asked myself. A shopping will do. I walked slowing to my room, opened my wardrobe and tried to find and decent dress. I picked a black short straight dress that my dad bought for me before he died. Wore on my feet an adidas shoe which was white in colour. I got there and the crowd was massive.  I felt no one knew me because my songs were no more heard anywhere apart from my home. Three girls approached me for a photograph, on my way inside another set of boys came to me to take a picture. I was feeling weird and uncomfortable. I made my way through them all and entered a boutique. A lady asked me what type of dress I was looking for and I said dinner wears. She directed me to the other side of the shop. They really had nice clothes but I needed decent ones. I tried about three out and it was okay, paid for it and left.

A little girl screamed my name and left her mom to hug me. I felt so happy and loved. She was very cute and innocent. "Aunty Betty! I'm a fun"
"Amazing, I love to know that you are a fun"
She brough much attention to me right there. Some begun to take pictures and others came for a photograph. She begun to sing one of my favorite songs and everyone joined to sing it. I just lifted my head and looked up to try and see the looks on God now. To just see that bright smile on his face. When they were all done singing, they clapped for me and cheered me up. I sat in my car but before that gave her a peg and left. I smiled all the way home.

I relaxed my feet in warm water just for fun. I had my television on but had my phone in my hands and begun to answer some questions about the Bible. I heard a song that sounded like mine so tried to listen and search for where is being played. I turned and it was the television. My picture was there and I was shocked.
"It has been heard that Betty Bonti was seen at the Accra mall this afternoon and had fun with her funs. They all sung her song and she was very happy but wait, I thought everyone had forgotten about her so why now. But I can confess her songs were and are still amazing to me plus everyone. Please let's help support her and her willingness to serve God. We pray she gives us more songs to cheer us up and make us feel good and to know God is always with us. Amen. ", the presenter said.

I knelt down and prayed to thank God. He has done everything already and is still reminding me to stay with him and never leave his site.

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