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*Third Person*

"Hell to the fuck no," Stephanie answered with with mix of shock and disbelief. "I'm serious, it's true, she said all that!" Mia exclaimed in a very serious tone of voice. Stephanie stood their wide-eyed in shock while trying not to cry in front of a bunch of people including her best friends Alyssa and Mia, in the canteen. Things just went from 0-100, Alyssa only stood the, brows furrowed. Mia is saying that our best friend, Lexy, was talking about how we're bad friends.

*Time skip a few minutes ago*

*Stephanie's POV*

"Ya, today went by very quickly," Alyssa chuckles as I munch on my chocolate bar. "Wre" I said in agreement while my mouth was full of chocolate. Not the best thing to eat after classes, but Alyssa's right, today went by a little too quickly. "You honestly don't care about how you eat in front of other, you eat like a pig, but my best friend," Alyssa commented as she giggled about my manners. I gulp my chocolate till there was no more in my mouth as the light above me flickered. I smirk as I take another huge bite of my chocolate to the point that I already finished it, and began to chew it slowly.

When it got to the point that there was a little mixture inside my mouth, I began to talk with my mouth full "Mo I ont!" I say while getting a bit of chocolate on Alyssa. "Ewwwwwwwww, the fuck was that for?!" Alyssa squealed, but not in a happy way. I managed to get some chocolate stains on her shirt, ehehehehe sorry.I gulp my chocolate once again and began laughing. I laughed to the point that my stomach hurt, ow. When I finished, Alyssa was giving me a silent death glare telling me 'fuck you too'.

The lunch lady was just watching us awkwardly until I made eye contact with her, then she started going back to what she was doing. Alyssa and I began to giggle together as we walk together to the exit of the canteen. I suddenly hear screaming from the distance, it was our other bestie, Mia. We stop to look at her and smile, Mia was a short petite girl with short hair, and was very smart. Both Alyssa and I stop on our tracks and greet her "Hey Mia!" I say with a smile. Once she reaches us she held her knees and began to pant. "Hey, *pant* Stephanie and *pant* Alyssa. There's something to tell you, it's 'bout Lexy!". Those words made me stop on my tracks, this doesn't sound so good. "What is it? Is everything ok?" I ask out of pure concern. Alyssa nods her head wanting to know what was happening, Mia quietly looks down at her toes.

Mia took a minute to squeak out out the words "Lexy.....she talked shit about our you....with our friends....,". I clasp my hand to my mouth in disbelief. Lexy was never the one to do these things, she doesn't backstab other people like that, unless. No, I'm not going to think that. I look down too and fake a smile to my friends. "Why? What'd she say??" I asked with anger stained in my voice. "She said that you talk too much, and that we're annoying.." Mia softly whimpered, and is on the verge of crying. I stare at my friends as a single warm liquid fall from my eyes,  I touch my jaw and see that the tear is now going down my finger. I look down at my feet and head to the bleachers with Alyssa, Mia said she couldn't come for some reason...so we decided to go to the place that we and our others friends like hanging out in. Once I reach the bleachers, that's when I see her. I smile with the fakest of smiles and head to the other end of the bleachers.

*Time skip at home*

Once I head home, I shut the front door and instantly fall onto my comfy chair. I feel completely exhausted because of this drama and shit, and high school hasn't even started! The last year of middle school just started literally one month ago, and there's new drama. This is my new record! Ugh, tomorrow is my awarding ceremony, dammit...

AN: I'm making a new story yay! So, do you think I should continue it, or just delete it? It's honestly not that bad. I'll continue posting more chapters for my other stories later, I'm just lazy.

Word count: 768 words

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