If you were diaz's younger sister

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You are Diaz's younger sister you are 16 almost 17 you were walking down a hallway at your school when you ex best friend came up to you and pushed you
Well obviously you got up and went to walk away but she didn't let you have that she pushed you again and people started saying fight fight so you got up and pinched her right in the face few of her teeth fell out you punch hard though so next minute you know you are in the headmasters office and was getting sent home so you had to walk home as Diaz was at work and your parents were most likely drunk

You went to the sign in area and someone asked for your name
"Name" she said
"Y/n" you replied
"Last name" she said
"Diaz" you replied looking around
" You know where to go" she said sighing
"What are you doing out of school" Diaz asked you with a worried look
You told him what happened and he just smirked saying "you get it from me" you smiled and hanged around him for the day

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