If you were hendricks twin sister

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Well since he claims you can't handle yourself as you are 6 minutes younger

You prove him wrong when you beat his ass and he runs after you

Him not wanting you to get the same job as he thinks Maretti and Diaz will never leave you alone and you will still all of the attention from him to you

Live together because he won't let you move out just cause he loves you too much and doesn't want anything to happen to you

Your not allowed to date

When you  are upset you'll lock yourself in your room and not let him in until you are fine

Periods being a pain and even more of a pain when he hits you in the gut and makes fun of you

Him pranking  you

You pranking him back with Diaz

Diaz betrayed Hendricks when he helped you

You obviously going behind his back to go out with Diaz

Him trying to murder Diaz for going out with him

Being best friends with hall

Hendricks not knowing what to do when you are in a mood

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