Do you?

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Do you stay on a ship that sinking? Do you stand in a house that is burning and collapsing? Do you? I believe you ran out to save yourself but I believe the next question I ask will be a bit more difficult for you so take your time, answering it. Do you stay in a relationship that you know is failing, that is toxic? What do you believe you should do? I think, well I shouldn't think as I do think with my heart and with that I do idiotic things. I will think but with my head, I think that you should get out before you look around and realize your standing in the burning house, before you look around and realize that you are standing on the ship that is sinking. Somehow I still believed that it wasn't true. My feet were chained, my heart telling me different things from my head. Its quite a confusing thing but most people would simply tell you to get out of there but you simply can't because for you its not simple as they think it is. For you they mean the world to you but sadly your world is being destroyed around you and you are just watching it, helplessly. Your aren't the victim though. You are the fucking villian. You are the one who lit the match and fucking threw on the gasoline that surrounded that house. You are the who sink a ship with that mind of yours. You are the toxic one, who bring chaos to people lives. You smile so charmingly but you simply know what lays behind that smile. Those eyes that seem so kind. You are a angel in disguise.

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