Chapter 6

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*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

I woke up feeling as if I'm being watched. I opened my eyes and looked around, only to find Draco staring right at me. "Don't do that! It's creepy." I say startled. "I'm sorry, you just look so peaceful when you're asleep." He says chuckling. I blush, I didn't know I was peaceful, normally I'm a monster! "When do classes start?" I ask sitting up. "Actually, we don't have classes until we are married." Draco explained. "Yay! More sleep!" I cheered and laid back down. Draco laughed at my childish behavior and went over and sat at his desk writing letters. "What are you writing?" I ask. "A letter to my family. I need to explain the marriage law." Draco said sighing. "Oh. Are they mad?" I asked. "No they honestly don't know much about it." Draco said. "And they won't like me when they find out, will they?" I said tears threatening to spill. "They'll love you." Draco said reassuringly. I just looked at him, unsure. "Don't worry about it. It'll all be okay." Draco said getting up and finishing his letter. I just laid back down and went to sleep, thinking of what his family would think of me.

*time skip*

I woke up feeling hungry. I looked outside, the sun was directly above hogwarts. It must be noon. Time for lunch! I look around to find my clothes, which were piled on the bed. I heard a knock on the door. Why would anyone come here. I opened the door to see Draco. "Why did you knock? You could've just walked in." I asked. "I didn't know what you were doin in here. For all I know you could've been changing." Draco said a smirk on his face. I turned my attention to the plate he was carrying. "I got you some lunch for you since you were asleep." Draco said handing me the plate. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" Draco jumped at my sudden outburst. "I'm sorry. I just get so excited over food." I blushed. He started laughing and rolled his eyes. I turned away and started eating.

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