Chapter 22

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*Cierra's p.o.v*

Harry and I, had a fun night, but now we were on our way to Hogwarts. "Are you excited?" Harry asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Yes, I can't wait to be back in my second home!!" I said putting my head in Harry's shoulder. "I understand." Harry said kissing my forehead. I blushed, I still wasn't used to harry loving me. I was comfortable, and warm so I fell asleep in Harry's arms.

*time skip*

"Hey, Ci, wake up. We're at kings cross." I felt Harry shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes to see harry crouched in front of me. I got up, stretched, then grabbed my trunk. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me to the platform. When we passed through the brick wall, I saw the familiar scarlet train. I started running. "Ci, wait for me!" Harry called after me, but I had to find Jess. I searched through every compartment until I found her. When I found her I jumped onto her back, nearly giving her a heart attack. "Jessssssss!" I screamed. "Ciiiiiiiiiii!!" She screamed back. "Where's draco?" I asked. "He had to go to the bathroom. But that was fifteen minutes ago." Jess said. "Let's go find him!" I said jumping up and grabbing Jess. We were running to the bathroom when we bumped into Draco with his tongue down Parkinson's throat. Jess gasped and ran. "Jess!!" I called after her.

*Jessa Lynn's p.o.v*

I can't believe he cheated, we're married!!! I run until I find a certain red head. "Ron!!" I said running and hugging him. "Hey....what's wrong?" He asked, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"D-Draco cheated on me." I said sobbing. "Stay here!" Ron growled, a determined look in his eyes. "Ron, no." I said running after him. Ron ran all the way to where Draco and Parkinson were still snogging. Ron walked up to them and punched Draco right in the face. "Ron!" I yelled. This was too much. I ran to an empty compartment, and just sobbed.

Why is everything so hopeless?

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