C Supports

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Chapter 1: C Support

C Support

Male Corrin

Corrin: Ah. This spot should do nicely! It's nice to get some time away from the usual madness of the castle…

Robin: Lord Corrin... Please get off of my leg.

Corrin: WAH! … Robin?! I didn't see you there! Please, forgive me. I'm usually less careless - but it looks like you've caught me with my trousers down.

Robin: I suppose I should be the one asking for forgiveness. Not being noticed whilst reading seems to be a trait that I picked up from… somewhere, and it would appear that I've startled you. All the same, what brings you to the library at this hour? It's rather late...

Corrin: So it is. But I wanted to get some reading done before I checked out, and it gets a bit too… chaotic to read during the afternoon.

Robin: I understand. Things always seem to be a bit hectic around here, one way or another. Such as the one time I fell asleep outside...

Corrin: Oh? And what happened?

Robin: I awoke with blue hair. I don't know how it was done. I don't want to know how it was done. But I havelearned my lesson, that's for certain.

Corrin: Hah! ...Ahem, my apologies. If you want, I could look around and see if I can find out who did it? Not really the proper way to treat a guest…

Robin: No, no. I've become rather used to it. I get the feeling that where I'm from is filled with similar antics. It's comforting, really.

Corrin: Heh. Not exactly how I would describe it, but I guess it does have its charm. In a way, it feels like home.

Robin: Feels like home, huh? Could have fooled me.

Corrin: What do you mean...?

Robin: You were born to Hoshido, and raised by Nohr. And yet, you refused to fight either. There's something about you that draws others towards you, and over time, you've made a third party. The way you all fight together and trust one another… I was under the impression that you knew this was your home…

Corrin: … I suppose I hadn't thought of it that way. With what I've been through, I guess I should already know that blood and family don't always mean the same thing, huh?

Robin: Right. Sometimes, we don't always realize what those around us mean to us until they're gone...

Corrin: Is something the matter, Robin? You look out of sorts.


Corrin: Oh no. I haven't upset you, have I?

Robin: … No. It's nothing. I was only reminiscing. At any rate, I must get going! You've entrusted me with a valuable position, after all, and I'm not going to laze about when there's work to be done. It's been a pleasure, Lord Corrin.

(Robin Leaves)

Corrin: Wait! Robin! You forgot your-... And he's gone. … What is this, anyways…? … A ring…?

C Support Rank Achieved!

Corrin: WAH! … Who said that?! Show yourself!


C Support

Female Corrin

Corrin: Ah. This looks like the perfect spot! … It's nice to get away from the chaos every now and then. Just me and Wyvern Wars: Terror at High-Noon.

Robin: And me, evidently.

Corrin: Gods above! … Robin?! Why are you under this table?! It's past midnight…

Robin: Indeed it is, Lady Corrin. Don't mind me… just pretend I'm not here. … Do you know that you're not wearing any footwear, by the way? Is that a custom here?

Corrin: I don't want to talk about it. But anyways, why are you under the table…?

Robin: No particular reason. Just… you never know when someone's stalking you, you know?

Corrin: That sounds rather particular, actually. Is it possible that a certain Dark Mage has been following you around?

Robin: … Perhaps. And what would you know of it, if I may ask?

Corrin: How interesting. I haven't seen Rhajat all day… though that's not exactly unusual. I suppose I mean to say that I haven't sensed her all day. It seems she's found new quarry to stalk. Namely you. You have my sympathy.

Robin: I get the feeling that wherever I'm from, this was the norm for me… I'm not sure I want to remember who I was…

Corrin: If it makes you feel any better, she doesn't just stalk anyone!

Robin: It doesn't. Anyways, I suppose it might be safe to come out for a while. What are you reading? I do enjoy a good book in the evening… or morning.

Corrin: Wyvern Wars: Terror at High-Noon. I must say, I'm enjoying it a good bit. It's got Wyverns, Wars, and Terror at High-Noon!

Robin: Hm… Yes. I think I have read that one…

Corrin: ...Why the long face...? Did you not like it?

Robin: Not at all! It was one of my favorite books, actually! … It just makes me remember. Not a lot, but enough… Reminds me of what I have left behind...

Corrin: Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize-

Robin: Think nothing of it, milady. Some things are better left in the past, or they prevent you from seeing what you have in the present. Had you not taken me in, I would be quite lost.

Corrin: Well… I guess that's true. But still, it's always better to keep important memories close. If you barely remember where you came from, be it the Outrealms or distant lands, then forgetting the memories made there might make you wonder if it ever really happened. Right?

Robin: I suppose you're correct. Thank yo-... Uh-oh! It looks like Thar- Rhajat's coming this way… It was nice talking to you, Lady Corrin!

(Robin Exits)

Corrin: Robin! Wait! You forgot your-... What's this? … A ring…? I'd best give this back to him later…

Rhajat: ...Oh? Lady Corrin~!

Corrin: Or maybe not so later! … Robin! Wait for meeee!

C Support Rank Achieved!

Rhajat: Hm? What's this? Is someone stalking the stalker? Reveal yourself!


Basically, I was bored. I wanted to write something with Corrin, but I haven't had the chance to play Fates and properly learn the characters. So instead, I wrote support conversations between Corrin and Robin.

Female Corrin's feels less thought provoking and more humorous, but I guess it's whatever. I originally didn't think I was going to do anything different between the genders, save for S Rank, but felt that it would be too short and lame with such little effort put into it.

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