B Supports

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Chapter 2: B Support

B Support

Male Corrin


Robin: Hmm… Not here either! Blast! …Where did it…?

Corrin: Robin! There you are! I've been looking for you.

Robin: Lord Corrin? I didn't expect to see you here… Shouldn't you be at the War Council?

Corrin: No — we should be at the War Council! Or we should have been… When you didn't show up, everyone was worried. What are you doing out here?

Robin: My apologies. I wasn't able to attend, so I instead had Jakob deliver the battle plans I had been working on this morning. I would assume they arrived safely?

Corrin: Indeed. They were brilliant, too. However, your poor penmanship made them pretty tough to decipher…

Robin: I was dealt the short hand when it came to any form of artistic ability...

Corrin: But why were you unable to attend? I think this might be the first time you didn't stroll in and unfurl a giant scroll across the table. There were quite a few less complaints of papercuts, however…

Robin: Ah. I wanted to go, but I had other matters to attend to. I lost something recently, and I must find it before I can rest. It's very important to me.

Corrin: AHAH! That's what I was forgetting! Here… *rustle* I've had this nagging feeling that I was supposed to do something since I woke up.

Robin: … My ring? Perfect! I've been searching for this since lunch! I feared my eyes were going to shrivel up if I looked any harder… Where did you find it? (And more importantly, where did you pull it out of? You have no pockets…)

Corrin: You dropped it after you took off last night. I'd been meaning to give it back, but then I got lost, and then I stepped on a rock, and-

Robin: -Yes, I see. You have my thanks. You couldn't possibly know how much this means to me.

Corrin: Actually… I think I do.

Robin: What?

Corrin: I was looking at it before I went to sleep, and I found your name engraved on the interior. There was another one, but it was so worn and faded that I couldn't make it out… Perhaps this isn't my business, but is it a-...

Corrin: ...

Robin: A wedding ring? ...Indeed it is.

Corrin: I didn't know you were married... …Rhajat's going to be heartbr-... Actually, she's going to be really mad for a while, and then go back to stalking me… Maybe we should keep this a secret?

Robin: I'm actually not married. This ring is… well – at the risk of sounding mad– from the future. It was given to me by my daughter.

Robin: … ...Who is also from the future.

Corrin: ...Huh. ...Cool.

Robin: … 'Cool'? That's it? No… scoffing, or accusations, or- ...something?

Corrin: Nope. I trust you, Robin. It's why I follow your crazy battle plans. If you say your daughter's from the future, then I'll just have to take your word for it. There are some pretty crazy Outrealms out there, after all.

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