A Supports

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Chapter 3: A Support

A Support

Male Corrin


Corrin: Whew… That was a lot of work! I'm glad it's finished though. Are you certain it will work?

Yukimura: I'm sorry, milord, but I am not. It's highly likely that it will work, but with Outrealms functioning the way they do… well, nothing is set in stone, so to speak.

Corrin: I guess 'highly likely' will have to do… wait! Here he comes!

Yukimura: I suppose I'll entrust it to you, then. I've got much work to do, what with ensuring these plans are executed effectively. Robin's smart, but it seems that he doesn't fully grasp the tools we have at our disposal. I have no idea what a 'Dancer' is, but I can't help but notice a lack of songstresses. Farewell…

(Yukimura Leaves)

(Robin Enters)

Robin: Ah! Lord Corrin! I didn't expect to find you here… in my quarters.

Corrin: It was rather problematic getting in. Your lock exploded at me, and then I stepped on a bunch of pesky pieces of wood. Are these the 'Lego Bricks' you spoke of? They were really painful.

Robin: My lock exploded at you?! Dear Naga, are you alright? That spell hasn't had any effect on anything so far, and I had forgotten about it completely… but why did it blow you up? Also, you still haven't told me why you're here…

Corrin: Oh. Right. Yukimura and I broke in to prepare a surprise for you! Tada!

Robin: Sur...prise…? … What in the name of the gods is that? … And where's my bed!?

Corrin: Sorry. We needed more space, and we thought you'd be upset if we discarded your bookcase. As for this; I present to you the Yuki-Corr-itron… ater. It took a lot of work, but we got it done.

Robin: Right… that doesn't really answer my question, though. What does it do…? And where is my bed?

Corrin: I built it for you! Basically, if we put a strand of your hair in this port - I traded some of my own for it with Rhajat - and then pull this lever over here, it will tell you which Outrealm you came from!


Corrin: You looked really homesick when you were telling me about the Shepherds, and I got the feeling that my curiosity ended up doing more harm than good. So I thought that maybe I could find you a way home. And I did!

Robin: … Home?

Corrin: Exactly! That's what friends are for. But there's one thing you need to know about it…

Corrin: When you use it and go back… well, there isn't one on the other side. In other words, this is the last time you and I will be seeing one another... If you wish, I can gather the others and host a farewell party…

Robin: ...

Robin: That won't be necessary.

Corrin: What…? What do you–

Robin: You aren't getting rid of me that easily, Corrin. I miss my old friends and my own world more than anything, but I'm no fool. I can see what I have now, and I refuse to leave everything behind. I've made new friends and allies here, too.

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