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(Fair warning first POV is gonna be short and this is mostly filler between our favorite new temporary parents)


It had been five days since Jeffrey and I started taking care of Jamie and still nothing about her parents. I'm starting to wonder if we will hear anything. I'd like for her to know her family if they are alright people. No child should not know who their parents are...

"Wally? You okay?" I looked up at Jeffrey and gave him a slight nod before standing up.

"I'm going to put Jamie down for a nap."

I walked upstairs and into the nursery before sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I looked down at the baby in my arms who was staring at me with her bright blue eyes. I pushed back some of her long tuffs of light brown hair and smiled sadly at her.

"Dont worry Jamie. You will be with your parents soon enough. Then you can be a part of a happy family again. You wont be here with a couple of strangers like Jeffrey and myself."

I sighed and leaned back while rocking Jamie to sleep. Hopefully she will go to sleep easier this time, as she doesnt normally.


I followed Wally up to the nursery and watcged as he talked to Jamie. Once he leaned back and started rocking her to sleep is when I was about to make an appearance until....

"I'm sorry Jamie. I'm sorry you were placed with us. Jeffrey is wonderful and its easy to love someone like him but... I'm nothing compared to him. I love him, but I wonder if he really loves me. I was never head boy or prefect like he was and my OWLS werent the best. I dont even want to be an auror but I want to try to catch up to him, Sarah, and Roy somehow.

Youre just a baby. You have plenty of time before you have to worry about things like this. Cherish it because once you feel insecure... Who knows what you might do."

I saw Wally sigh and stand up before placing Jamie in her ceib. He leaned on the bars and watched her for a while before wiping his eyes of tears, I didn't notice before, and wrapping his sweater closer to his body. I took a few steps back and once he came out from the nursery I wrapped my arms around him.


"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He looked at me with a smile but his eyes looked saddened. I gave him a small glare before picking him up over my shoulder and taking him down the hall into his (basically our's when nobody is here) room. I laid him on the bed and took a few steps back.

"What are you getting at here, hmm?" He smirked. I just shook my head amd his smile fell.

"Dont try to change the subject. I heard what you were saying when you were in the nursery with Jamie just now."

"Oh... That... I swear I'm okay baby. Come on, lets go dkwnstairs and ill fix some lun-"

"No Wallace."

He looked at me with wide eyes for a moment before looking at the ground.

"You only use my actual name when you're upset."

"I'm not upset. I just want you to be able to talk to me. Amd what do you mean you wamt to be am auror to catch up to us? You dont have to prove anything to anybody."

"Oh dont I?" He looked at me with amger and saddness in his expression. He stood up and walked to the other side of the room before turning and looking at me abruptly. "I do have to prove something Jeffrey. I have to prove everything. Not only to my parents, who need I remind you are the bloody minister of magic and the fucking boy-who-lived, but to my brothers who are already doing better than I did in Hogwarts, to my friends who have always been ahead of me in academics, athleticism, social skills, and just about everything else, to my grandparents who want to keep up a good Malfoy name or petition for the rights of every bloody creature out there, for you-"


"Yes you! Hell! You dont even want to tell anyone we are a couple! Are you embarrassed of me? Is that it!? Not like it fucking matters because even my own fucking parents didnt want me! They used me as a punching bag for three years and gave me away with no sympathy. Who the fuck does that to their kid!"

He had started crying by this point and I walked over and went to wrap my arms around him but he slapped my hands away.

"Just stop! I cant do this right now."

He looked at the ground and it broke my heart to see him like this. Never have I seen Wally so insecure. Its like watching a kicked puppy.

"Wally, come on, do you really think I'm embarrassed of you? I love you. More than anything. Would I have stayed this long if I didn't?"

"Gee, I down know. That seems to be what people keep me around for a while for."

I shook my head at his attempt to mock his dad's sass before taking his hands in mine.

"Wally. I didnt want to tell anyone until I knew you were the one my heart truly wanted. I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up and have them ruin it faster than you can say 'quittach.' I wanted to make sure I found the one I wanted to wake up to in the morning, to have a family with, to love until the day I die."

He looked up at me and his eyes showed something more than just shock. His mouth was slightly open in confusion but I cpuld still see the love in his eyes.

"I had planned to do this at another time but, now may be the best time before I end up saying something that will get me off track again. Wallace Caelum Potter-Malfoy..." I kept one of his hands in mine and pulled a small black box from my jean pocket. I got into one of my knees and looked up at Wally who had fresh tears in his eyes. "I have loved you since before you started Hogwarts. I watched as you dated other guys and got your heart broken. I watched as Sarah and you got in trouble together and I had to bail you out. You have been my best friend for fifteen years and my true love for longer than we were even together. While I still have a bit of my Gryffindor courage left, will you show me just how patient a Hufflepuff can be and marry me?"

Wally was crying but had a giant smile on his face. He tried to hide it behind his hand but he couldmt hide the happy sobs wracking his body. He started nodding and he fell on his knees to kiss me. I smiled while wiping his tears away and placing the ring on his finger.

"I love you," I whispered against his lips.

"I love you too." He smiled up at me and I picked him up before we both sat back on the bed and he let me help him through some of his insecurities as we made plans to tell our families tomorrow when we all go to the castle for dinner together.


Who was ready for that? Who was hoping for that? Who is happy for them?

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