Chapter One: The First Day

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Aleks' POV

"Aleksandr! You are going to be late for you first day of school!" My dad calls from downstairs.

"Okay, coming." I reply trying my best to shove a three inch green binder into my tiny transformers school bag. Right before walking out of my room I turn and face the mirror. I'm wearing a plain black t-shirt with black converse and slightly torn jeans from falling off the play structure one too many times at my old school back in Russia. I usually don't care about what I wear but today I have to impress the kids at my new school. Mom told me that american kids have a lot more money than we have and she told me to try my best not to feel threatened by them. Or something like that, I really don't know seeing as I have the attention span of a goldfish. As if joining a new school wasn't bad enough I had to join half way through the year when everyone already has friends. I just hope the people here are as nice as at my old school.

"Aleks, your mother is going to lose it if you don't get down here in five minutes!" My dad yells from downstairs once more tearing me from my thoughts. What did I tell you? Goldfish.

I run as fast as I can down the slightly worn spiral staircase slamming face first into my mothers legs.

"Sorry." I say trying to gain my footing back holding my forehead in my palms.

"It's okay sweetie, get your jacket and lets go." My mother rubs her hand through my hair and walks closer to the door.

"But mom I don't wanna wear a jacket." I whine following close behind her.

"Aleksandr it's snowing outside, we don't want you catching a cold." She says handing me my blue wool coat.

"Mom please. Can't I go in my sweater just for today." I ask pointing and the black hoodie sticking out of one of the last moving boxes.

"Fine," She says defeated, "always with the minecraft. Why don't you do something productive with your spare time?"

"Minecraft is productive mom. It allows you to build awesome structures and meet friends from all around the world!" I respond throwing my favorite hoodie over my head.

"Come on get in the car, we will talk about this gaming addiction later." She states walking out into the snow and waiting for me to walk out before locking the door and starting the ten minute drive to school.

Once arrived my mom and I get out of the car and make our way to the huge building on the corner of the snowy street. This school is huge! About two times bigger than my old school, which I don't know whether I feel more excited or scared about. We walk in the office and this weird woman with her glasses on crooked tells me to go find room 23 and knock on the door, she says my new teacher Mrs. Hanson will be waiting for me. I kiss my mothers cheek goodbye and slowly waddle to the big oak door with the number 23 written on it in neon green paint. I lift my clenched fist to the door finding myself too scared to knock, a million terrified images flashing through my mind. I sigh and put my hand down hanging my head in shame and sit down on the floor on the opposite side of the hallway. I pull my legs up to my chest and place my head down on my crossed arms.

I don't exactly know how long I've been sitting there until I hear the class room door open to reveal a blonde haired kid with a minecraft shirt and a puzzled look on his face. He closes the door and stands right in front of me just staring down.

"Um, hello?" I wonder.

"By any chance is your name Aleksandr?" He simply asks avoiding my hello.

"Y-yeah it is." I say standing up noticing the boy is slightly shorter than me.

"Well Mrs. Hanson told me to come get you at the office, but since you are right here you saved me the trip." He smiles. "My names Seamus."

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