Chapter Seven: A Last Goodbye

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Aleks' POV 

It happened two weeks after show and tell. My mother woke me up one Saturday morning with my favorite banana pancakes and chocolate milk. She said her and dad had a surprise, I was hoping it was a puppy. We had spoke a lot about getting a new family pet but I hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

Well, it wasn't a new puppy. We were moving.

At first I laughed giving my mom credit, she had me going for a while. But I couldn't help but notice the serious face my parents had on. We were actually moving. To Boston of all places. Apparently my dad got an even bigger job promotion there. Skip through the days of tears, begging them to stay, explaining how 'unfair' it all was and a whole lot more tears, and we were finally here. A moving truck filled to the brim in my driveway, my room emptied of all there was inside and my sad friends lining up to say goodbye.

"You know Aleks we won't forget you." Jordan said starring down at the floor, rubbing his hand on the tip of his nose.

"Yeah, never." James agreed.

"Thanks guys." I smile wiping a tear away and giving them both a hug. 

I hug all the other guys before Seamus pulls me behind my car.

"So, uh, this is it huh?" He says putting his hands in his pockets.

"I guess." I say quietly.

"You know, your such a nob." he laughs.

"A nob?" I ask.

"Yeah, and you always will be."  He smile flicking his hair out of his eyes.

"Nobs for life!" I yell pumping my fist in the air.

"Haha, don't you have to be somewhere like I don't know? Boston?"

"You're a moron." I punch him in the arm. "But I'm going to miss that about you."

"Dawww, will little Aleks miss me?" Seamus says with his lip out.

"I am one step away from backing this car right up into you." I say pointing at the car.

"Of course you are lovely." He says grabbing me and bringing me into a hug. "Oh that reminds me I got you something." He says reaching into his back pocket and taking out a lump covered in bright red wrapping paper.

I open in to find a snorelax plushie. 

"Do you like it?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Love it." I say giving him another hug.

"Well that's only part one of two." He explains lifting one finger in my face.

"So next...." I say

"No, need to get impatient. I need to find the right moment." We wait in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Can the moment be now because I have places to be." I say and he laughs.

"Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it."

"Seamus what are yo-."

"Now!" He say grabbing my shoulders and bringing our heads closer together. I feel his lips on my cheeks and I almost explode with excitement.

"W-what was that for?" I ask rubbing my palm over my cheek.

"Something to remember me by." He smiles.

I am at a loss of words.

"Bye Aleks." He says walking to his mom who is talking with mine.

We eventually got in the car and drove away to start our new life in Boston Massachusetts. I toyed with my Optimus Prime bracelet and snorelax plushie the whole car ride there.

And that day was the last time I ever saw Seamus O'Doherty.

Thanks for reading everyone. Don't worry this isn't the end of the story xD.

Also I read a comment in my last update where someone mentioned that the story sounded more like it was written as though the boys were teens and not kindergartners. I do agree with that however there is a reason I had to write the story so that the boys were young because it correlates with what is going to happen in future chapters. I don't want to give anything away but there is a reason. And if it bothers you I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do. I will mention that in the coming chapters there will be a significantly large timelaps so if you read this far you might as well read the rest because nothing else will be happening in that period of their life anymore. If you don't want to read that's fine aswell just letting you know.

Anyway thanks for reading again and I hope you enjoy. :3 ~Jess

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