Chapter 4: Sex on Fire

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    Ralph was the first boy to wake up the night after the fire. He woke up to find himself in a long spoon chain. Unfortunately, he was right in front of Piggy. He slithered out of the chain and stared up at the mountain. It was a charred mess. The fire had blazed with fury and now the top of the mountain looked like a wasteland. He sighed, thinking about the way Piggy would say I told you so about the fire being too big. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see a thin boy standing behind him.
    "Hi." Ralph said, "I'm Ralph."
    "Hi." said the boy.
    "What's your name?" Ralph asked.
    "Umm," the boy paused, thinking. He was silent for several seconds before blurting out, "Simon. I'm Simon. Simon says. I'm Simon. Yes."
    "Okay Simon." Ralph said, feeling very uncomfortable, "Are you alright?"
    "Yeah baby. I'm better than alright. I feel.....good." said Simon. Then Simon pulled Ralph's ear to his mouth and said "I found some tasty fruit in the forest. It's real special." Ralph shuddered nervously. He thought Simon was creepy. Then Simon licked the inside of Ralph's ear and Ralph knew Simon was creepy. He pushed Simon away with great force.
     "What the fuck, man?" Ralph shouted.
    "I'm just taking a little taste man. Relax. If you had some of my special fruit you would relax. You want some tutti fruitti?" Simon asked.
    "No. Fuck off." Ralph said.
    The noise of Ralph and Simon's conversation woke the other boys who were sleeping on the beach.
    "Good morning boys!" Jack said. All the other boys replied with friendly greetings for their leader.
    "Did everyone have a good time last night?" He asked. Most of the boys replied with a hearty yes, but Piggy began whining.
    "Well the fire was too big. Look at the damage. I told Ralph it was too big, but he didn't listen to me. I don't know why you guys never listen to me." Piggy squeaked.
    "Piggy," Jack said, shutting him up instantly, "It doesn't matter. No harm, no foul." The boys nodded in agreement, happy to have a reasonable explanation from their leader. Yurio didn't nod. He was looking around for his friend who was missing. He began to panic.
    "Where's Mulberry?" Yurio asked, his voice cracking, "And his little friends?"
    "They must be around here somewhere." Jack replied.
    "No." Yurio said, "They went into the woods last night. They went in the direction that the fire spread later. They aren't around here somewhere! They're in the fucking forest that burned down. They they they...." Yurio stopped talking as he realized that he would never see his friend again. His shoulders shook and he looked down at the sand. He got up and walked away from the group. Samneric stood up to follow him, but Jack held them back, saying "Let him go."
    "See," Piggy said, "You should have listened to me. Now Mulberry or whoever is dead. If you had just listened to me."
    "Shut up." Ralph said, "You're not helping. And we don't know they're dead. They could be fine up in the woods. Let's just get on with things. There is no point in waiting around all sad."
    "Ralph's right." Jack said. Ralph blushed with pleasure that Jack had remembered his name and that Jack approved of his idea. He smiled up at Jack, but by that time Jack had looked away from him and was telling the boys to go have fun. Ralph thought of the fun he could have with Jack, but Simon was talking to Jack and he didn't want to go near that creep again so he wandered off to the beach.
    Simon wouldn't shut up. Jack was thoroughly bored and didn't care at all about this fruit. He saw Roger walking by and quickly told Simon he was so sorry but he had to go see Roger and walked away, leaving Simon talking to himself.
    "Hey Roger." Jack said.
    "Hey." Roger replied with a smile.
    "Do you wanna," Jack paused, "get out of here?"
    "Yeah," Roger replied, "I wanna get off this fucking island as soon as possible. All these stupid kids are annoying me."
    "That's not what I meant." Jack said, blushing.
    "What did you mean?" Roger replied, seriously. Jack sighed, as he realized that Roger wasn't very smart, or wasn't very gay, or both.
    "I meant," Jack said, grabbing Roger's hand, "Do you wanna," Jack pulled Roger closer. "Get out of here?" Jack whispered, only a couple of inches away from Roger's face. Roger's face turned red like beets.
    "Y-y-y-yes." he stuttered, feeling his hands grow clammy enough to slip away while rollerblading holding hands.
Jack, suddenly overcome by something possessive and hormonal, took the boy gently into the moist heat of the jungle. Then, suddenly remembering the last thing he did at school, sex ed, reached into his uniform pocket. Rummaging around for the one condom the nurse had given him that he had not yet turned into a balloon to make a hilarious joke with, but alas he came up empty.
    "What could possibly go wrong?" Jack supposed, shrugging, and turning to face the other boy, who immediately launched himself onto Jack with ferocious enthusiasm. The sensation of the Roger and his violent courtship immediately sending Jack into the throws of a turbulent, yet smooth, foul yet fair, lusting for this violence; as roger unceremoniously wriggled out of his uniform and did some sex stuffs with his peepee and also maybe Jack's dongle.
Roger, as it turned out, was very gay although still not particularly smart.

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