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My name is Strawberry. Strawberry Green. I'm in Secondary School unfortunately and I'm going to be in Year 9. No one really talks to me much because I'm different. No one glances at me or pays attention to me, not even the teachers sometimes. Mr Woods is the only one who talks to me and smiles at me, he's the only teacher who understands me. I probably sound like a sad teenager who nobody loves. I know that there are people who love me but always try to change who I am, like Lilly. However, I'm not a sad teenager. Being alone comes with its perks. No one bothers me when I'm having lunch and I can study in peace.

I'm different from the others and it didn't take me too long to realise that. I don't want to be like the other girls, they're all just boring. All boys and girls glance at an attractive girl with silky hair and beautiful eyes but I don't find that attractive. I find women with tattoos attractive. It's amazing how each tattoo has its own meaning. I'm going to get at least 3 tattoos when I'm older, each one having a different meaning in my life. I don't want to cover myself with tattoos but I would love to have a few though.

It's funny how people find me weird. I just fall outside their extremely narrow perspective of normal. I have strawberry red hair and green eyes to match my name. Strawberry Green. I have a unique name and I love it. People snigger when they hear my name but I don't want my name to be common.

My school uniform is green so that doesn't really help either. We have white shirts and white socks. Our blazers and our skirts are green. People stare at me especially when it's Christmas. I look like a teenager still trying to get over Christmas in SUMMER.

I also get good grades too even though I don't study much. Not to boast or anything, but I get the best grades in my class, maybe even in the school. When I read things I want to remember, it stays stuck in my head for a while. I have very very very sharp memory. It's different to other people's. If I read the first few chapters of a book I can remember it off by heart for the next month. I don't have a whole load of stuff stuck in my head all the time because that would give me a migraine, I just remember things when I want to remember them which is really convenient.

I know I've already mentioned this before, I have green eyes. You find at least once person in each class who has green eyes. By green eyes I mean light green eyes. My eyes aren't like that. My eyes are green, the colour of a leaf on a tree. They're shiny too. Even though I don't have any friends in school, I bet they're all jealous of my green eyes. My hair was originally blonde, I looked pretty with blonde hair but you see millions and millions of people everywhere with blonde hair. I didn't want to be in the crowd, I wanted to stick out of the crowd. I ended up dying my hair strawberry red in Year 6 when I was in Primary School. At that time, I didn't know what Secondary School I would be going too or what the uniform would like. Maybe I wouldn't have dyed my hair if I knew the colour of my school uniform. Just kidding! I would have dyed my hair anyways.

I don't know much about my biological mother but I do know that she was "weird". Just like me. I refer to her as my biological mother because I'm adopted. I've heard a lot about my parents from people and I stalk my Mum on the internet too. My Mum is dead but still. Apparently, my biological parents were so in love and eloped just to be together when they were both 21 years old. My grandparents didn't approve of their romance. When my mum gave birth to me, she ended up passing away afterwards . My dad thought that he wasn't capable of looking after me so he gave my up for adoption. I wish he didn't because I would have loved to live with him. I still have a blanket that has the name Strawberry knitted on it.

I don't know what my father looks like but I only have one photo of my mum with me that I always carry around. Her name was Violet and her hair was violet too. She was in a hospital with me in a bed. There was a nurse too. My mum had bright green eyes, just like me. She was good at remembering things too. Violet was very pretty. I look a lot like her but I'm sure I look like my dad too. I've still got pictures of me in the Foster Home. I was pretty so a lot of people wanted to adopt me but I didn't want any of them. I chose when I was 5 years old, this average couple with a daughter called Grace who is a year older than me. Grace and Harry are amazing to me and I love them like my they're my family but Lilly is annoying. She's forever complaining and she's a very reserved person. I can't stand that. She's always complaining about my hair and now she thinks I wear contacts to enhance my eye colour! A lot of people think that actually. My eyes are completely natural. Lilly and Harry are the ones who adopted me. I don't like Lilly but Harry and Grace think I'm amazing and they accept me for who I am.

I've never had many friends. Even the guys at school are afraid me. One of them tried to punch me but I ended up knocking his tooth out instead. I always say it's by accident but it isn't. The girls aren't afraid of me though. Well, actually they are. They never talk to me but they talk behind my back. They say awful things about me when I'm not around and they assume I'm deaf. I personally think they're cowards because they don't have the nerve to tell me what they don't like about me straight to my face. I always chose to believe that you find your best friends when you're older but I'm starting to doubt that now.

Grace knows I don't have any friends at school but she's different. She's the popular type. She always tries to include me with her friends but they seem to think I'm too young to join their conversations or I'm weird. Grace always apologises for them to me. Growing up, I've always heard Grace say stuff to me that I never really pay attention to but I think I'm starting too. She always tells me never to give permanent feelings to a temporary person. I already knew that. I feel like all people in the world at temporary people, apart from Harry and Grace of course. Grace always tells me that when the time is right, I'll find one best friend that will stay with me for my whole life. I'll have to start listening to her advice because tomorrow is our first day of Year 9. The year we have to chose our GCSE subjects.

May the force be with me tomorrow.

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