coldest hour

8 0 0

night black living in her eyes

sending years discarded, waves lost bye

family on bleeding knees pray why

stolen chances rain from the sky.

all the world watched as she fell

secrets died on lips cant tell

black eyes painted on an empty shell

a face angelic now falls to hell.

They put buildings on her coldest hour

submerged her being some concrete tower

business grey and plastic flower

raped from her last hope of power.

never understood her quite tales

never seen her hidden trails

truth snatched from life by lifes own gales

night black eyes blood drips down nails.

she walks on wishes on her road past

trees in sorrow leaves half mast

her fate a spell so strongly cast

each breath a prayer for last

a life  crudely born and unforgiving

she alone hears angels singing

a face of stone and eyes long drowned

family cries and night black living.

the child leaves the day

beore she found today

the child leaves the day

to avoid the yesterday...

and she sits at the table reserved unforgiving

in the hell

of night black living,,,

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