Chapter 5

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The hallway is blocked by boards and ink. Henry:oh come on! Why does everything always have to be blocked off?! Bendy looks to the right and sees a doorway. Bendy:I found another way. Bendy walks through the doorway and Boris and Henry and Sammy and Norman and Barley and Edgar and Charley and Alice Angel and Sally follow him. The further they go the more the ink drips from the ceiling. Finally they walk out of the hallway and into a large cavernous area. Sally sees what looks like a house and walks towards it. Alice Angel sees Sally walking away. Alice Angel:*worried* Sally! Where are you going?! Sally keeps walking towards the house. Henry:I never knew that someone else would be living down here. He picks Sally up and gives her to Alice Angel. Henry walks slowly towards the door of the house and opens it. Inside he sees signs of someone living in the house or 2 people instead of one. He sees a hallway in the house and walks towards it. He sees a door at the end of the hallway and another door at the side of the hallway. He walks to the door at the side of the hallway first and sees a unmade bed in the room. He walks to the door at the end of the hallway next and sees a bed that's neatly made. He also sees a audio log. Henry walks towards it and pushes play on it. Audio log:I was talking to Sammy Lawrence in the Music Department and Susie Campbell walks into the recording studio and sees me and asks Sammy what's going on. He tells her that I'm supposed to be replacing her. She starts yelling at him and he tells her that it wasn't his choice to replace her it was Joey Drew's choice. She looks at me and yells that she's Alice Angel not me. *crying* I wanted to quit and let her have her job back but she and Joey wouldn't listen. Please Susie. If you're hearing this recording I'm sorry. I never meant to do this to you. Henry:who made this audio log? ???:who are you and what are you doing in my room?! Henry turns around to see someone standing behind him. She had horns on her head like Alice Angel but they were different to Alice's horns. Henry:I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you live here. ???:well now you know so get out! Henry walks around the woman and out of the house. ???:Tom. I found this one in my room. The Boris who is apparently named Tom growls at Henry and gestures him to stand with Sammy and Norman and Alice Angel and Sally and Bendy and Boris and Charley and Barley and Edgar. ???:why are you all here? Henry:we're trying to get out of here. ???:why were you here in the first place? Henry:I got a letter from someone asking me to come back to the studio. The woman and Tom seemed to be thinking about what Henry said. ???:okay. Me and Tom will come with you to get out of here. But if you betray us we'll take this little girl hostage. The woman points at Sally. Alice Angel:no. Please don't. Henry:we won't do anything to betray you. I promise. ???:good. My name is Allison Angel. Alice Angel is excited about another person with Angel in their name. Alice Angel:*excitedly* I'm Alice Angel and this is Sally and Henry and Boris and Sammy and Norman and Barley and Charley and Bendy and Edgar. They walk into a different hallway and go up some stairs. Henry starts to recognize where they are. Henry:I know where we are. Allison Angel:lead the way then. Henry walks up the stairs and opens a door. Henry:this is one of the exit doors. He opens the door and they walk outside. Allison Angel:is this what freedom feels like? Bendy:I don't know. Henry:let's go home. 8 minutes later. Henry leads them to a nice looking house and knocks on the door. After a while someone opens the door. Henry:hi Linda. Linda:Henry! Where have you been?! Henry:it's..............a long story but I brought a group of friends with me. ???:daddy! Henry:hi Harriet. Before I introduce you to the group of friends I have some phone calls to make.

Bendy and the Ink Machine:Escape Joey Drew StudiosWhere stories live. Discover now